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Expanding the Ortega starter


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I have Abulea on order and I also have the Executioer and the Austringer as well as the Peacemaker. The Austringer seems superfluous with the Ortegas. I am looking at the Executioner as he seems a pretty solid melee addition to the force.

Don't be so quick to write off the Austringers. Deliver Orders lets you set up some amazing killzones.

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The Ortegas could go to battle with nothing more than a handful of Watchers and Perdita and come out victorious.

This minus three to five crews specifically and I agree with you. The main advantage that the ortega's have is against most lists you would generally be around 55-45 60-40 in your favor.

The crews to me that could potentially be us at a disadvantage with are lilith, colette, a well played vicktoria list (emphasis on well played otherwise advantage us), dreamer (depending on how many austringers you take to make daydreams useless and scew their alpha strike ability), and maybe colludi (no idea have yet to face them but proponents of them say they are great against ranged crews hypothetically).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

The Convict was the first Mercenary I picked up for my guild, I tossed him in the Ortegas and he fit just perfectly. Ruthless has paid for itself over and over again, not to mention, with the right hand this guy can lay down a lot of fire.

The Austringer is really nice as well for hitting things that people tend to keep far awy or hidden like Daydreams or the like.

With Abula, Enslaved and Perdita all tossing around Obey, Papa becomes a very fun model to have in your list. With the right cards you can get papa in and blown up turn 1 which has upset more then one of my friends lol.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Don't be so quick to write off the Austringers. Deliver Orders lets you set up some amazing killzones.

Agreed. Plus, Austringers will work wonders against gremlin crews once you start seeing the Lacroix around...

I also enjoy the guild hounds with the Ortegas. They will give you a bit more speed and can help round up shots for Nino. Groups of 3 or more of them though.

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  • 2 weeks later...

My standard 35 is the Ortegas box, minus Papa, plus Abuela, the Enslaved Nephilim, and an Executioner (He's probably getting shotgun married to Nino, they seem to be friends). Usually I'll run the Executioner as a deterrent to people getting close to Nino, run the brothers together, and have Perdita and Abuela moving around as needed. The Nephilim is usually parked near Nino as well, using Obey to keep him firing as often as possible (There's few things more fun than Trigger Happy going off on a shot that was caused by Obey).

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Sounds as if there really isn't any bad addition to the crew from the available Guild models.

Bad additions:

Models that are easy to pick on with Wp: You opponent will likely have some form of Wp attack, and will want something to aim it at. If you have a model with less than 7 Wp and/or immunity to duels, expect them to be running or possessed the entire game. I'm looking at you, Papa.

Expensive melee models: You want to shoot. You want to be far away from enemy claws. Do not invest heavily in choppy models. Lone, cheap runners, however, can sometimes be useful.

Expensive models in general: The peacekeeper and Jack Daw are sexy and all, but the family's weakness of being out-activated really starts to show.

Witchling Clusters: They blow up when they die. This seems funny, and it works with Criid, but be aware that with your two-to-four man family teams that they usually do more damage to you than the enemy. Again, a lone witchling can do good work, but be aware.

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Expensive melee models: You want to shoot. You want to be far away from enemy claws. Do not invest heavily in choppy models. Lone, cheap runners, however, can sometimes be useful.

Gotta Disagree here. A high Point Melee model can be very good in a Ortega list. Mostly if used as a body guard for people like Nino or Santiago(who really can't be tied up in Melee). Fransisco does the job, but the Executioner or the Peacekeeper can bring more to the table.

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Gotta Disagree here. A high Point Melee model can be very good in a Ortega list. Mostly if used as a body guard for people like Nino or Santiago(who really can't be tied up in Melee). Fransisco does the job, but the Executioner or the Peacekeeper can bring more to the table.

You have to examine if the enemy would be able to get into melee with you if you had more guns on your side of the board. Or harassing interceptors, of course. And, again, you tend to get out-activated pretty hard dragging those guys along.

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I added The Judge to my crew, tried him out for the first time last night and he took out a minion and took no damage. Was killed by Marcus but he accomplished what I wanted was to give me another melee person with better stats than Francisco and can give Santiago some protection.

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I don't have a lot of models, but I like the Enslaved Nephilim and the Executioner for 35 points.

Papa Loco is a gamble. I use obeys to run him to "take me with you" and then shoot him with Nino to kill him off for boom. However in one game, he was poisoned (2) and placed back in the middle of my group by Colette. Needless to say he activated last.

I also like using the obeys on Nino after he has set someone in his sights. This is where Abuela can help.

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Generally the totems I take our either that or a proxy (govenor variety). But I am more apt to take the proxy more because of in my local metagame there are quite a few wp based crews ( I actually don't take enslaved much anymore but generally I run abuela with dita so I don't really find myself needing a 3rd obey).

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