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Another newbie with questions

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So today I decided that even though I'm starting Bushido I wanted to get into Malifaux as well.

I've been reading the Malifaux Wiki and the advice given on this site and the boxsets that appeal to me are mostly the boxset qualified as beginner unfriendly, Nicodem, Kirai, Colette, Hamelin (I also like Coloddi btw but he's not out yet and I don't know where you all rank him).

I know that for Nicodem and Hamelin to work properly you'll need lots of extra blisters, and Kirai and Colette are challenging to play.

So my question is, since for me it will be just the starter sets for a while without any immediate extra purchases, can you play with them without the immediate need for extra models or the frustration of not "getting" how they work?

Can you play Nicodem/Hamelin without them summoning al the extra undead/rats? Or is that THE ability for them?

I know that whatever crews (2 as my only opponents are my girlfriend and/or my dad) I'll choose they will take some time getting use to before you can use them to their full potential, but I don't want it to be a frustrating experience.

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well I know Nicodem works alright straight out of the box but some extras would be really helpful for you (my friend picked up the box recently). I own Colette and yeah straight out of the box works and really the only thing that would be missing is some Mechanical Doves, I have the Corphee Duet but I don't use them that often even though they are really great. Kirai without extra seishin and gaki is a definate challenge as they are a pretty big part of her game play and I know absolutely nothing about Hamelin...so I'm no help there.

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I'll second the opinions already stated here. Of the Masters that you are most interested in they all have a few challenges if all you intend to do is do box on box for awhile.

Nicodem: I don't have much experience with him as I'm one of the only Resser players in my area and I don't have him as a Master. I would imagine you'd want to pick vultures and perhaps a flesh constuct or some other nasty to summon as your first outside of box purchase. One way to save some money for a little would be to buy a clamshell of 30mm bases to use as Corpse Counters/Mindless zombies and then base the vulture that sits on Nicodem's arm on one of them so you'd only need to buy 1 extra vulture.

Kirai: This model really won't play well just out of the box. To really get full use out of her you really need some extra Seishin. It wouldn't hurt to get some extra Gaki, a Shikome, the Hanged, and Jack Daw as well. All of which adds up fast.

Hamlin: Another model that will require a greater monetary investment than other masters. In addition the crews that I've read about being fielded for Hamlin are pretty similar to each other and are what are termed as a Negative Play Experience. Hamlin and Pandora's crews are based on the mechanics of control, that is when you play against them they make it so that your models cannot do what they are intended to do. While I personally enjoy playing this style it is a design philosophy that I am coming to dislike. It is not fun for an opponent to play against a crew which shuts down what they are able to do. So if you think you might only be playing a few people regularly for awhile I'd stay away from Hamlin only because of this fact.

Colette: Ahh the Showgirls. Ahh the Byzantine planning required to play them. Colette for monetary reasons one of the best boxes in my opinion. You really don't need anything beyond her boxed set to have fun playing her and she really only needs 2 extra clamshells to give a full play experience, her doves and the coryphee. She will require a little extra plays to get used to how she works.

If your GF seems interested in Seamus I think Seamus and Nicodem with one or two extra Clamshells would be a great investment.

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would a Nicodem vs. Seamus game be fun or would it be a complicated mess, it being undead vs undead?

Don't worry too much about this. The point of a game like this is that you can play any crew vs. any crew and have fun. Some matchups might be harder/easier, but you can always have fun and have a chance at winning. Why else would you play?

My advice: Go with the faction you think is coolest. I started with Guild, and started with Sonnia (not the easiest starting master). I played a number of games with her, and had fun, and eventually picked up the Lady Justice box and wanted to give her a try. She was a lot easier to play with, and I'm going to stick with her for a while (unless I play against some Arcanists).

Basically, pick a starting crew based on models/fiction, but also make sure you'll want to play other Masters in that crew, so you can branch out and use models you already own.

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Thanks for the replies, I never liked the control style of playing so I guess Hamelin is out :(

Based on all the replies I came up with these lists I want/can buy, either:

Undertaker's Lot

Redchapel Gang

Mindless Zombies blister*

The Hanged blister*

I then have some money left for maybe 2-3 blisters.

The problem I have with this list is that I will have to get identical Fate Decks (I'm rather difficult that way in that I want the Fate deck to have the correct color)

or this:

Redchapel Gang


The Hanged blister*

Mechanical Dove blister*

Grave Spirit blister*

Coryphee blister*

*All blisters are chosen by looking at the wikipedia page

about starting with that crew.

With this list I have no money left.

Which of these list would give me and my opponent the most fun time and doesn't have a very steep learning curve?

Also what about Coloddi?

Is he hard to learn?

When will he be released, end of May or end of June?

Also with both list I listed I didn't include the Rules Manual (I have the PDF) and didn't include the Fate decks which I eventually want to have but I figured I would be busy painting first (I don't like playing with unpainted miniatures).

Unless you all say to get them immediately for whatever reason.

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Colette has a learning curve, but I started with her and now getting to grips with her afte ra few games and reading the tactica a couple of time. Just add a blister of Coryphee (cut off the tabs and put pins in the feet to slot into the bases to save on buying a 2nd blister) and some Mechanical Doves and you're set. Basically a reasonably cheap really and some beautiful models.

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Well...Collette is a bit of a tricky master to start out,but would be fun. Seamus's crew is very durable,but not high damage. Both crews are amazingly manueverable,and I think that the two would make for an interesting match up.

What I would recommend for that match up would be

Showgirls box

Coryphee blister

Mechanical Doves blister.

Redchapel box

Crooked Men blister. In general with the amazing amounts of forced movement from the belles,the crooked men are the best bang for your buck.

Convict Gunsligner blister.he gives both ranged and a decent amount of damage to your crew.

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Personally, unless you've got a great reason to buy lots at once I would suggest the following:

Redchapple gang box.

Showgirls box

Mechanical doves blister.

2 fate decks

And play with that. Colette can summon her doves mid game, so not having any can crimp her a little, but Seamus can do fine with out any extra models. You will be able to play 20-25 soulstone games with no problem, and get to understand the crews.

Then after doing that plan the next purchases.

That way you will get a better idea of what you want.

Fate decks are not essential, a normal pack of cards can do, but it is a lot easier with the fate deck, not having to remember which suit is which, and at what value you are doing what damage level.

Collidi should now be out, but his list is very restrictive on models it can contain at the moment, and the box itself won't go above 17 soulstone. I wouldn't recomend this as a starting crew as it is so restrictive.


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On Hamelin, the investment in his crew is potentially the biggest to get started - box set, extra stolen, lots of extra rats, totem, rat catchers.... and then you've got canine remains, molemen and terror tots if you want a really flexible force.

Plus, like already mentioned, it's not a very fun crew to play/play against after a couple of games (and it's almost impossible to run in a tourny/ on a timescale) - maybe book 3 will balance it out a bit, but for now I'd follow your gut and go Res or Collette.

Any questions on Hamelin just shout and happy to help.

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Man, I didn't know this could be so difficult.

Here I was thinking that I would buy Colette and Seamus when I kinda remember I like Rasputina too.

So, anybody any idea about Rasputina and the other crews I mentioned, difficulty, additional purchases for Rasputina (I really like the December Acolyte)?

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Wouldn't you know it, Here I am ready to order my miniatures from Wayland Games in the UK (I asked around no local gamestore carries Malifaux "Because it's not popular" psshh) is their site offline for the entire weekend.

Just my luck.

Decided on Seamus and Colette starters and Mechanicla doves and two Fate decks (like someone suggested) and some scenic bases, for those of you who are wondering.

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Wouldn't you know it, Here I am ready to order my miniatures from Wayland Games in the UK (I asked around no local gamestore carries Malifaux "Because it's not popular" psshh) is their site offline for the entire weekend.

Just my luck.

Decided on Seamus and Colette starters and Mechanicla doves and two Fate decks (like someone suggested) and some scenic bases, for those of you who are wondering.

I just use the same Fate deck for my crews, you don't need different decks for different factions. Plus, still will also save you a bit of money.

Given the recent history I've had with Wayland (as have many others I know who've ordered with them), I suggest using their Ebay store rather than their website to order. The postage is higher, but you'll get your things a hell of alot faster. Their site never really tells you if things are in stock so you can be waiting weeks for things. For instance, I got a order yesterday that I made with them back in March and the order was on the "restocking" notice for a fortnight, then "packing" the rest of the time. Meanwhile I ordered something off their Ebay store and it arrive in 2 working days (same thing a friend of mine ordered through their website last month and is still waiting for).

I highly suggest going through Maelstrom instead, while things might be out of stock, they tend to restock pretty quickly and the free postage for any order over £10 is a must (and they have a price guarantee so if Wayland sells cheaper, they'll match the price).

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Thanks for the tip, I placed my order through Maelstrom Games and could even include a physical copy of the rules manual.

my order:

Redchapel Gang


Mechanical Doves

Green Fate Deck

Blue Fate Deck

Rules Manual

And I'm in business!

Now the long wait for the package to arrive begins.

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