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If You had your say, how would a Mailfaux movie look?

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I just saw this thread on the Warmachine forum and as I think Malifaux has more atmosphere than Warmachine I thought I start something similar here (and I'm sorry if this has been done before).

If you could make decisions regarding a Malifaux movie what decisions would you make?

Who would be the director,actors, DP, editor, composer?

I think Tim Burton would be the obvious (not so original) choice to do a Malifaux movie and there probably is a part in there for his wife Helena Bonham Carter as well (Zoraida? Just kidding)

That would also probably mean a Danny Elfman score however maybe it's time for TB to try somebody else like Alexandre Desplat.

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I'd have Ridley Scott directing with Jerry Goldsmith composing the score. If you're unsure of these 2 together go watch the directors cut of Legend, I see Malifaux as darker and grittier, which both these guys can easily accomplish.

I'd leave casting and so on aside, but I would say that for set building and design, I'd try to get the same crew that worked on From Hell.

Helena Bonham Carter as Zoraida? After her as the old witch in Big Fish, I could see that! lol.

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The only problem I see with a malifaux movie is that they would have to focus on certain elements of the fluff and go into adding more into those elements, other then that it would make a terrific movie.

As for casting I would have to say I could see Johnny depp as seamus, just cause its his kinda character

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Malifaux and HBO? I think that combination would destroy all my willpower. I don't get HBO, but damn it gets harder with every new show they put out (though they usually balance this by cancelling equally good shows). Thank God the Wire managed to last as long as it did, hopefully Boardwalk Empire and GoT manage the same (RIP Deadwood)

Ian McShane belongs in Malifaux though - not sure what character - as does the rest of the Deadwood cast.

The only real difficulty would be portraying the outlandishness of the characters/artwok. I don't like a lot of Tim Burton's non-stop motion work and a lot of similar directors are too uncontrolled and wacky. Jean Pierre Jeunet (Amelie, Micmacs) may be the best living director to capture that aspect of Malifaux, Tarsem Singh (the Fall) would also suit at conveying a grander scale and would easily be able to capture the wild costumes and settings. By getting such directors to produce the series and guest direct, the final product would be amazing.

Johnny Depp would make a good Seamus, but I'd still try and use lesser known actors.

Malifaux's biggest problem would be budget, which would potentionally lead to it either being scaled down (i.e. being set on an outskirts town, etc) or being realised in stop-motion. Still very expensive.

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Johnny Depp is about the only actor I can think of that would do Seamus justice. As for director...Tim Burton would i think be a good choice...But my preference would be to tell Guillermo del toro to go absolutely nuts. Or...and this is a bit off the wall...but have multiple directors,based on what they do with each faction. Tim burton handling the Arcanists.Guillermo del toro doing the Neverborn faction. Im kind of torn on who to direct the guild part...Im almost thinking John Woo for the over the top gun battles would be amazing. As for Ressurectionists...If you were going to have Kirai as a primary...Takeshi Shimizu,the director of Ju-on.

Honestly what would be wonderful,is if HBO picked it up,did it similar to Masters of Horror,where different directors did different episodes. Basically,each director pick one or two masters in a faction to do episodes for.

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I think Tim Burton would be the obvious (not so original) choice to do a Malifaux movie

This ^

I would have johnny depp as Seamus, Devon Aoki as kiria for sure and Liam Neeson in there some where for pure epicness.

But i agree a tv show would be better.


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Oh hell yes..Quentin Tarantino for the guild ...that would be better then John woo. And as for why i said shimizu,because of all the asian horror films i have seen,I liked and was scared by Ju-on more then any of the others. But as a general rule yes...the ressers should be done by one or more of the asian horror masters.

Also,I now know that he would have to play Santiago...but Danny Trejo would be perfect for that role.

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Like Game of Thrones... but Steampunk.

Seriously, all the factions that are happily living together and scheming against each other. The External threat of the Tyrants.

We would have to cast Sean Bean as the Govenors Son though. Not sure who for Kirai... Ian Mckellan as Nicodem. Patrick Stewart as Lucius. I can see Martin Sheen as McMourning working.

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The only problem I see with a malifaux movie is that they would have to focus on certain elements of the fluff and go into adding more into those elements, other then that it would make a terrific movie.

As for casting I would have to say I could see Johnny depp as seamus, just cause its his kinda character

long as it's not a rehash of his MadHatter, wich still had elements of Jack Sparrow in it.

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