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OMG someone told Eric I'm in law school

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That's just beastly of Eric.

badoomp tsh


by the way, ratty, you organized an excellent tournament in Augusta, GA a couple of weeks ago.


When I had to play Zee and Sketch for 2/3 of my opponents (after driving 3 hours hoping to play some new people that I don't play all the time...) they were quick to blame your software as the problem. Put an override switch on that thing... :blowup:

they were even tempted to call you for rules questions as the TO

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There is an override switch... you export the tounament, swap opponents and then import it back in...

Yeah, I know they were just being stubborn. "Well thats who the program says you should play..."

If they had I would of course have ruled against Drew in all cases just ... well just because.

so belles don't have to make 2 irresistible checks for a single casting of lure?! excellent!

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Yeah, I know they were just being stubborn. "Well thats who the program says you should play..."

Sorry you had a terrible time at the tournament :) at least the seafood was good. Next time I will pair you with Cory and Bart, Zee and Sketch have to play each other ever round though. I blame Ratty.

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hey, what happened to Von Schillypooh avatar?



/me whistles innocently.

well that's fair I guess

Lawyer Joke (you've probably heard it):

Two lawyers go out to eat and order some drinks. After their drinks come they both pull out sandwiches from their briefcases and start eating.

The waiter comes back and says, "Hey! You guys can't eat your own sandwiches in here!"

The two lawyers promptly exchange sandwiches and continue eating.

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Sorry you had a terrible time at the tournament :) at least the seafood was good. Next time I will pair you with Cory and Bart, Zee and Sketch have to play each other ever round though. I blame Ratty.

See what I'm talking about Ratty? You never get no respect :motz:

I'd have had a better time if you weren't there Jason. Your face tends to ruin everything.

Add Cory to that list too, I play him every time.

Confirmed: seafood dominated.

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