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Tutorial: Make it Up - Female Faces, and Make-Up


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Thanks for that, I've never painted female miniatures before and now I own 12 though admittedly 8 of them are undead - 7 of which are hookers :)

For hookers, just increase the ratio of blush, and eyeshadow colour to your flesh mix, and they'll look like good and proper 19th century prostitutes. ;)

Really red cheeks, and gaudy blue eyeshadow would suit the Malifaux hookers perfectly.

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19th century hookers = tuppenny uprights and/or painted jezzabelles, i love the colourful English language, haha.

Um...a tupenny upright is something you *do* with a painted jezzabelle. *cough, cough*

Thanks for the tutorial, I do wonder whether any woman (hookers excepted) would actually bother wearing make up to go into battle though. When you sweat, it runs and gets in your eyes and then it stings. :dontknow:

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Um...a tupenny upright is something you *do* with a painted jezzabelle. *cough, cough*

Thanks for the tutorial, I do wonder whether any woman (hookers excepted) would actually bother wearing make up to go into battle though. When you sweat, it runs and gets in your eyes and then it stings. :dontknow:

I've seen bakers and cooks do it, and most times, they're sweating a lot.

I've watched their make-up run down their face, and get in their eyes, and still the next day, they come in with the foundation packed on, ready for more.

I would always chuckle to myself, and shake my head, and watch the foundation melt day-in and day-out.

That said, I can suspend my disbelief to have nice looking miniatures.

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I do wonder whether any woman (hookers excepted) would actually bother wearing make up to go into battle though. When you sweat, it runs and gets in your eyes and then it stings. :dontknow:

Well, I doubt the showgirls would be seen anywhere without full makeup. Saturday nights where I live see plenty of woman in full make up charging into battle, broken bottles in each hand (it's pretty scary) :D

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Well, I doubt the showgirls would be seen anywhere without full makeup. Saturday nights where I live see plenty of woman in full make up charging into battle, broken bottles in each hand (it's pretty scary) :D

I MUST vist Wales...

I really don't understand make up in general the way most people apply it, but I do understand i'm in the minority there.

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