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Obsuring Fog


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I have been hearing rumours that Nino's hunter doesn't work through stiched together's obscuring fog.

If it is true can someone point me to the offical rulling please?



Here you go sir: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=20035&highlight=hunter

Specifically it's because Hunter only works on Terrain and Creeping Fog is not Terrain, it is an effect. It would have to state it is terrain to work.

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Why did they think that this ability was a good idea. Especially for a 0 action. I have to say, at least in my opinion, this ability is no fun to fight against and a bit over the top (more so than other Malifaux stuff).

Why would hunter not work? Because of a missing word? Well if you look at the rule book under obscuring, it only refers to BASES with the obscuring trait as being able to block line of sight. Obscuring fog is an effect not a base with the obscuring trait, so it should not block line of site.

Im just pointing this out because I don't even feel right getting these little boogers for my Zorida.

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Wait till you face nino, austringers combined and have no counter. Granted Austringers can still shoot through but Nino could be shut down. Remember the fog pops off after the round so if you win initiative you still have a tool. Keep in mind to it blocks there models LOS too, so if popped early that means they have to move out of the fog to be able to do range attacks.

Fluff wise think of it more of a magical field that disrupts vision versus a comparing to terrain.

To be honest I play guild more than neverborn, having both models and having playing both sides. I think it was rather a fair ruling and much needed ruling. Few models even masters can stand a full barrage of attacks from nino.

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Lets just keep some perspective on this shall we? This is a Faction that is mainly melee damage and tricks to do much. We don't have much in the way of solid ranged damage at all. Before these guys we got torn up by the Hunter's in the game over and over again and truthfully, they ruled the board. I saw Nino in every single list he could appear in when going against Neverborn. Now, I see him about 50% of the time because of this effect, it gives people a reason to pause and helps kill an auto-include which are both great things!

Also don't forget, they have to Activate to put this up and it blocks out LoS to. This means all those nice tricks can't be done past them and we generally have to carefully time our activations to get the most use of this. We are faced with the constants choice of: Do I put this up now and block my LoS? Or risk another Activation without it?

It's a double edged sword which makes them not an auto-include in most Crews. All this means is you can't rely on the same tactics you always could, so find new ones. There are plenty of ways to deal with these little guys besides slinging bullets at them. =)

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Separate question: Does hunter see through illusionary forest?


You can see into, within or out of Obscuring Terrain 3" normally. Hunter changes that to 6".

See page 15 of the rules manual:

Models can draw LoS up to 3” across an intervening base with the obscuring trait, but not entirely through the base.
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Waldgeist + illusionary forest= yes, Nino still has a negative flip when it's base is fully within the forest. Suck it up sniper boy.:D

I still find it interesting that so many players haven't noticed the rules for obscuring has always not allowed a model to draw LOS completely through terrain. Especially since this is the same mechanic as many other games.

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