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Malifaux RPG Concept Question

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A Malifaux RPG thought was bumping around in my head. Primarily the question there was "What would be the best way to incorporate the PC's into the game.

I figured I'd see what the Malifaux players think.

I'm not sure what you mean by that question.

Is the answer Deadlands?

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I run a Malifaux RP with a few friends... I use the first edition WFRP rules with some modifications and tweaked statistics... it works and goes down a treat :-D

I use a group of unnamed guild guardsman all with unique abilities and equipment, as they journey around having fun and getting into all sorts of shenanigans and encountering everyone else

Edited by Stern
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I think the first question would be whether you kept the PC's as part of a single faction or not. That would likely be the easiest way to deal with it.

This would open the possibility of playing as Neverborn trying to oust the human invaders,Guild trying to kill resseructionists...that sort of thing

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I kinda see problems with different faction PC's, especially with Neverborn.

the idea that the PCs are humans brought into Malifaux, and during the process, they possibly pick up new and amazing powers, and then can be approached by the various factions, using them as agents so they don't have to get their hands dirty, could be interesting, especially when a rather successful campaign for the PC's ends with them realising their 'employers' were Neverborn, and they just aided in the destruction of a whole town of colonists.

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This poll is assuming a pretty traditional RPG structure (which isn't bad, just thought I'd point it out). You could make it GMless, and have each player be a character in any faction, with the person across from the table playing an antagonist, and the person sitting on their left or whatever being an ally/friend, sort of like Polaris.

For a Malifaux RPG I'd be much less interested in a traditional adventuring party structure.

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This poll is assuming a pretty traditional RPG structure (which isn't bad, just thought I'd point it out). You could make it GMless, and have each player be a character in any faction, with the person across from the table playing an antagonist, and the person sitting on their left or whatever being an ally/friend, sort of like Polaris.

For a Malifaux RPG I'd be much less interested in a traditional adventuring party structure.

Absolutely true. I'm much more of a "traditional" rpg fan, and so its written to my own preference.

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I think having either a bunch of Criminals being transported or people eager to find their fortune going through the breach as your opening would be great. It would also be really easy to introduce non malifaux players to the game as you could control exactly how much they see of the world and their characters wouldnt have to know much at all. I think you will save yourself so much hassel keeping everyone as part of the the same crew that way they will stick together. Something like Von Schils crew would be great as you can have the Macho leader, the mage librarian, the pathfinder sniper, the flame thrower specialist and the grunt (npc?). That would save you all the hassel of having multiple people all doing completely different things in different places all at the same time.

Maybe play as the guild as it would be easy to make a nice arcing storyline with malifaux under attack from 'enemy X' but spanners are thrown in the works as 'master Y' shows up with some goons. Also starting everyone off as more or less basic humans and having them unlock some potential with the use of soul stones could be cool. Would add a nice flavour to levelling up.

Hmmm I think im talking myself into running a malifaux Roleplay now!

Also dealands is cool but GURPS is the winners choice

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The way I figure, it breaks down like this.

PCs are Guild/Outcast

PCs are Resurrectionist/Arcanist/Outcast

PCs are Neverborn/Outcast

The Guild is pretty much the central antagonist to the story, what with the other three factions in conflict with it. You couldn't really have a Guild PC with any other specific faction without some really bad story gymnastics that remove you from the themes of the setting. Same goes with the Neverborn. They are fighting a guerrilla war against invaders from another world, and they really don't make a distinction.

Ressers and Arcansts, while having different agendas, don't really oppose one another, and may work together when there is mutual benefit.

Outcasts follow the money. Each faction makes use of them, and quite honestly, its probably the best one for the PCs to play as.

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So far, it appears that, overwhelmingly, the preferred option is to have players create human players, with the factions having no role in creation.

This of course doesn't mean that players can't join/fight any of the factions, simply that they aren't in one from the get go.

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Not only that, but I would introduce it to my reglar group and attempt to make it our ONLY RPG. Coming from a guy who has played D&D as his *exclusive* RPG for 30 years, this means something.

I was looking for Malifaux RPG threads when I found this one. I desperately want a Malifaux RPG, and I want to be in the playtest group.

There are a lot of things Wyrd could do, all or most of which have been touched here.

I would love to see some sort of random card mechanic introduced (one deck for the whole game to prevent "stacking the deck" by individuals) and, of course, Sould Stones should play a huge part in things.

Please, Wyrd! Give the players what they want.


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To the op I would have to say that being able to run any faction/race would be amazing but if someone runs neverborn be prepared for everyone to try and kill you if they find out. I think the key if you are neverborn is to be someone like candy or lilith who don't show the neverborn side as for the other factions they are all humans so would not be an issue you just have to hide if you do anything crazy.

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