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Playing against Hoffman

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Hi all,

Fairly new player and I am playing on Thursday against a mate who plays Hoffman. I've played him once and lost.

My main issue is immune to influence as alot of my actions and spells are wp based and most of his crew ignores this.

His crew is straight out of the box

My crew in the last game was Seamus, CCK, Sybelle, 2 x Belles and a crooked man.

I do also have more belles, more crooked men, Sebastion, Bette Noir and Jack Dawn as well as Mortimer.

Any advice on tactics and Crew selection would be really appreciated :)

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unless someone else can prove me wrong I believe that if it has anything to do with Wp Immune to Influence kicks in. Also they are all constructs so they are immune to Morale Duals too....

My one advice to playing Hoffman is to just focus on your objectives. He is one of those Masters that as a Resser, if played right will out activate him every turn, so use that to your advantage. Belles under your control are very fast so they make good objective grabbers, and since Hoffman doesn't have a hard hitter (unless he got a peacekeeper) he won't be much of a threat to your H2W Models that can just get back up. You don't have to actually kill any of his models to win, so take that as your advantage and play towards getting as many VP as possible.

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Spells with a Wp resist are NOT Wp duels (they are 2 seperate in-game functions) - he's not immune.

I think you're confusing Wp duels with Morale duels.

Immunue to Influence protects the Constructs from any Duel involving Wp, which includes spells with a 'Rst: Wp'.

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Anyways....for tactics against Hoffman....well, anything that Ignores Armor is obviously a winning tactic. That will negate 90% of Hoffman's longevity right there. Beyond that, it's probably best to focus fire on the Guardian first, and then the Peacekeeper 2nd. It seems like it would be best to kill Hoffman first, and if you can manage that, go for it. But he's often really tough to finish off, unless you can pull off something like Headshot.

That said, things that auto-kill, like Headshot or Decapitate are REALLY good against Hoffman, IMO. It's not unusual for Hoff to burn through his cards, discarding for Relentless or Flurry, or just cheating Duels and Damage. Since Hoffman is also usually out-activated, it's pretty easy to leave a key piece like Nino or the Steamborg to activate last and then insta-kill one of Hoffman's guys.

My last game, I lost my Peacekeeper (which only had 1 Wd on it up till that point), and then lost Hoffman (who only had like 3-4 Wds on him) in back to back rounds thanks to Nino. :(

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Cheers for all your help peeps :)

I thought I was right on immune to influence because we checked the exact wording on it because I couldn't believe how powerful it was against my Rezzers.

Unfortunately, the models I have listed above are the only models I have got (currently :))!!!

I will ensure that I focus on the objectives - the list I am thinking of is:



Sebastian (as none of his spells have WP and he's a bit of a combat monster) - I know he doesn't really fit with Seamus

Bette Noir - Another combat monster with no WP (Just have to get the first kill or killed off :))

Crooked Man - Again no WP issues here

SS Pool of 6

If I get an objective based game then I will go with Sybelle and Belles for fast movement and use Seamus and CCK for blasting with .50 gun of goodness:D

Any thoughts on this list??

Edited by Mbbelius
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If ya don't mind paying a little before a game get a pack of doggies, with sabastion they will be able to go after him and along with that they are a great bete delivery system and for 2 points you can't go wrong. Along with that I would hold out and wait for your objective flip before you build a crew, I've been learning that the better crews come from waiting til you know why your there in the first place. With the hoffman's limited pool of models you have the advantage against him in game terms so use that to win :)

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I would chuck in an Onryo, she can strip the Immune to influence and then you can go to town, her spell targets Ca and she is one higher than most of Hoffs Immune to Influence constructs so you should be able to push the duel in your favour, having a mix of attacking Wp and Df is always good plus her claws ignore armour too.

Pairing an Onryo and Hanged up is quite fun. Strip Immune to Infuence with Onryo and then use Whisper from Beyond from the Hanged to take the construct down to half wounds(bypasses armour) and it cannot be healed for rest of the game.

Edited by osoi
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.. I would suggest a pack of Onryo they work well with Seamus in general but also ignore armour and can remove their immunity to Wp duels and the spell that does this is vs Ca, most of his constructs have a low Ca.

BTW... I like MadArcanists Avatar.. it is a mad arcanist, though I think she likes to be called Mistress Criid.

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Thanks for the info.

I am right in thinking that if I cast lure on Seamus then there is now parting strike from the combat??

Also how does that work - Seamus doesnt resist the spell??

Yep, a 'Push' ignores disengaging strikes (does NOT ignore terrain movement penalties though). And yes, when you cast spells on your models that have a 'Rst' trait, then your own model MUST flip a card and try to resist, but you can choose to let the duel be a tie instead (which means a failure), and then the spell will affect them.

So, that's not a bad way at all to get Seamus out of Melee combat if need be.

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I'd be careful with Bete - she can't arrive when a construct dies, which can make her hard to get into play, and she's an awfully expensive model to have sitting on the sidelines. A pair of Punk Zombies should give you some good hitting power too, as well as corpses for Seamus to work with.

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Im a new player, but iv played a fair few games with seamus. the best peice of advice I can give as a newbie is get a range of models. crookeds sound like the best to me. Place the shafted markers and the blasts for board control. Do blasts ignore armour?

I think it may be what a lot of people are thinking but, Dr Mc would be a better match up for you but I dont want to say go buy a new crew

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Im a new player, but iv played a fair few games with seamus. the best peice of advice I can give as a newbie is get a range of models. crookeds sound like the best to me. Place the shafted markers and the blasts for board control. Do blasts ignore armour?

I think it may be what a lot of people are thinking but, Dr Mc would be a better match up for you but I dont want to say go buy a new crew

Blasts don't ignore Armour and Hoffman has a talent that can make him and models around him immune to blasts...

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Resers are gonna have a tough time against Hoff. Make sure you know what constructs he has. Not all constructs are Immune to Influence, though if he knows your list he CAN build a list that IS. I would suggest Bete, Jack Daw is almost a must if you have him.

He is also not a very fast crew, so if you have an objective based Strategy, go for those and try to avoid him. Maybe throw Jack into his group of constructs, because you're going to want to tie up Ryle, and go for Strat/Schemes.

Hmmm...has anyone tried using Onryo in a non Kirai list? They are one of the Resers few armor ignoring minions and they're not too expensive (and might be better for the extra point than belles if he's running an I2I list). Being spirits they might also stick around a bit longer.

Edited by Necromorph
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Resers are gonna have a tough time against Hoff. Make sure you know what constructs he has. Not all constructs are Immune to Influence, though if he knows your list he CAN build a list that IS. I would suggest Bete, Jack Daw is almost a must if you have him.

He is also not a very fast crew, so if you have an objective based Strategy, go for those and try to avoid him. Maybe throw Jack into his group of constructs, because you're going to want to tie up Ryle, and go for Strat/Schemes.

Hmmm...has anyone tried using Onryo in a non Kirai list? They are one of the Resers few armor ignoring minions and they're not too expensive (and might be better for the extra point than belles if he's running an I2I list). Being spirits they might also stick around a bit longer.

I have not had that hard of a time with him yet, I play Nicodem and have had decent luck using punks to inflict wounds on him and using other effects to make his stuff less effective. 2 or more dogs drops their def, 2 or more necropunks makes them slow etc. As for the Onryo, no I havent tried it yet, however it may be a good idea. Hmmm...

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I would think, with the Ressers, that just overwhelming Hoffman with attacks would work the best. Most of Hoff's stuff has lousy Defense, so you shouldn't have too much trouble hitting them most of the time. Might not do much damage because of the Armor, but a Wd here and a Wd there adds up REALLY fast. And it's tough for Hoffman to heal anything until after at least one thing is dead. So probably best to kill whatever nastiest piece he has first. That way he can only heal the not quite as nasty stuff.

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