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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not dead!

But I'm afraid I don't have much to show for it either. I've had other things to work on, more hours at my job, and just not a lot of time for doodling. Which makes me sad.

But, uh, here's some stuff:



And finally, a work doodle.


I'll try not to go another month without posting something at least. I do hate letting this thread die.

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Hey, here is an idea for a doodle/comic:

Random Arcanist/Outcast/whatever (Character, normal grunt, whatever) heads to a cooking pot while on a camp and says:

"Hey, what would you all like for dinner?"

Lady Justice runs and tackle him/her and yells: "JUSTICE!"

Based on this stupid video: [ame]


Lame idea, I know. But I was linked to it and I laughter quite a bit...

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Hey, here is an idea for a doodle/comic:

Random Arcanist/Outcast/whatever (Character, normal grunt, whatever) heads to a cooking pot while on a camp and says:

"Hey, what would you all like for dinner?"

Lady Justice runs and tackle him/her and yells: "JUSTICE!"

Based on this stupid video:

Lame idea, I know. But I was linked to it and I laughter quite a bit...

We all know Lady J does her own cooking, it's why her totem is set of scales

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

Oh man, I've been gone so long.

Things have made it difficult to draw. Nothing major or depressing, really, just work issues and technical difficulty (My computer died, and with it several doodles. They shall be missed.) as well as other projects that needed tending to. I desperately want to get back into Malifaux, but either I don't have time or I'm not in the right place or I just have other things I need to do...

Anyway, this is a way of saying that doodles will be back! I'm going to dig through what I have and post it tomorrow. It probably won't be much, or anything fancy-- I still need to get my tablet reconnected-- but I've neglected everything too long. I miss Malifaux and Mannequins and Horrible Sonnia. I want to get back into it all. So I'm going to.

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Oh man, I've been gone so long.

Things have made it difficult to draw. Nothing major or depressing, really, just work issues and technical difficulty (My computer died, and with it several doodles. They shall be missed.) as well as other projects that needed tending to. I desperately want to get back into Malifaux, but either I don't have time or I'm not in the right place or I just have other things I need to do...

Anyway, this is a way of saying that doodles will be back! I'm going to dig through what I have and post it tomorrow. It probably won't be much, or anything fancy-- I still need to get my tablet reconnected-- but I've neglected everything too long. I miss Malifaux and Mannequins and Horrible Sonnia. I want to get back into it all. So I'm going to.

Oh, Tuesday! We have missed your doodles so! I can't wait for more Colette crew shenanigans.

On a sidenote, I am astonished by the fact that there is no fan art section for these forums.

Or at least, I would be. But then I realize how very little fan art there is. And I become sad.

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Good to see you back Tuesday. Love these.

Any chance you and your man are going to take a trek up north for Adepticon this year?

Ooh, I didn't even realize Adepticon was close! It's Chicago or thereabouts, right? We'll definitely have to think about it, but things are a bit tight financially (and time-wise) this year.

But yay! I am glad to be back. I did just realize that the last Sonnia I posted has her hair half-curled and half-not. I think I wanted to try out the non-flipped style, but couldn't bring myself to go all the way because that little wave is just so fun to draw. Baby steps.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Yess. More Sonnia is always a good thing! (Except when it's not.)

And thank you. I desperately need to get back into drawing. Luckily some other projects are also inspiring me back toward Malifaux. Drawing, painting, and perhaps.... sewing? (!) are all in the future.

I just need to get this danged tablet connected back to this danged computer...

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