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Apparently the librarian is pretty good too for any caster types.

The golem just dies for me. Trudges forward a bit then gets killed. The gamins at least get some objectives captured before getting shot. Their only purpose in my games seems to be having ice mirror. But in my painting queue I have a hoarcat pride, silent one and december acolyte. Might mix it up a bit. One day I'll get the Snow Storm if only for the nice model.

Morning Abs.

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Gencon and related stuff probably means everyone is reading the new book. I'll be patient (and cheap) and wait for Maelstrom to get it.

Not much new with me. Another week of work stretching off into the distance. I made some more scenery over the weekend and finished painting my first Neverborn guys.

What's new in your end of the country?

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Wish I could have made adepticon this year , friends that went said it was awesome , as well as the twitter feeds looked awesome . Next year its on !

anyway made a bunch of progress on commissions , Il finally be back to painting my own stuff by the end of the week !

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Howdy! I'm back home! :) 'Course, living only two hours away means I have little excuse for not being back at work on Monday morning. Though I'm wishing I had planned to take off today as well. Ugh...Didn't get to bed till 1am last night, as we stayed late to help tear down the booth.

Was an awesome weekend though, and as I tell anybody, GenCon is something you really should try to go to at sometime in your life. It's awesome, and worth every penny.

Let's see....I ended up coming home with NE Teddy, Dead LJ's box....and....much to Fell's dismay, I picked up Kirai's box set, her Avatar, and a few of the minions to go along with her.

Had SO much fun volunteering and running demos of both Malifaux and Puppet Wars. My voice is completely shot right now, my cube neighbor at work asked me first thing this morning if I had a cold, LOL.

The tournaments went really awesome too, and we had 20+ players for the Story Encounter event Saturday night, and we had like 30 or 32 for the Master of Malifaux on Saturday during the day. Good turn outs for the other events throughout the weekend too.

I'm working to try and slog my way through all the interesting stuff on the forums from the last several days now. :)

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Well, I know Fell and Karn are travelling today, so I think they won't be back till tomorrow at the earliest. Nathan was planning to hit the road in the truck at 6am this morning to drive back to GA, and the rest of the crew was heading back in a van today as well, IIRC.

Those folks are crazy, and we SERIOUSLY owe them mad props. They worked their ASSES off all weekend long, and are going to drive straight home, and dive right into shipping stuff tomorrow to get out all the online orders. The Wyrd staff never ceased to amaze me at every instance throughout the weekend, and it was an absolute joy to work with them and hang out.

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Getting your Gencon stuff next weekend??????***argh*** Don`t expect it arriving here in good old Germany before the month is out.

You should cryogenically freeze your head. Wake up in early September, graft it to a bipedal exoskeleton. What's the worst that could happen?

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***mumble, mumble *** - oh, sorry, just gave Teddy some cookies!

@ edonil: Getting your Gencon stuff next weekend??????***argh*** Don`t expect it arriving here in good old Germany before the month is out.

(shrug) I'm sorry...I'm not all that far away from their place in the long run of things...

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