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@Edonil, do you have any tips for demoing Malifaux, please? I have demoed only a single game so far.

I wasn't really sure how to do it. He had Von Schill Box Set (already painted) and Strongarm Suit I think, so I decided to set the SS pool to the value of the Box Set plus Upgrade we chose. I was playing Ophelia LaCroix. I guided him through the whole set up phase, we played Strategy and a single Scheme (we flipped for them as usually) and I talked about things like General Tactical Actions and Attack Flips and so on, when we came to them.

The thing is that he already have read the rules and watched few videos on YouTube so he was quite oriented. This week I might be demoing another game. The guy borrowed a copy of Rules Manual and is reading it, but he said that the english used in it is difficult and that he won't probably be able to finish it in time.

He likes Rasputina so I thought that I would borrow the models from her Box Set from someone in our gaming community and I would play Zoraida. How would you proceed? Would you flip for Strategy and Schemes or just choose them? Should we play without Upgrades first or does Rasputina has an essential Upgrade? Are there any rules you would consider optional?

I am planning on printing out and laminating the Quick Reference Card because I find it very helpful for new players, Combat Modifiers and the list of General Tactical Actions being the main reasons. I wish our Malifaux gaming community would purchase one Starter Set or that the booklet from it was freely downloadable.

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@Edonil, do you have any tips for demoing Malifaux, please? I have demoed only a single game so far.

I wasn't really sure how to do it. He had Von Schill Box Set (already painted) and Strongarm Suit I think, so I decided to set the SS pool to the value of the Box Set plus Upgrade we chose. I was playing Ophelia LaCroix. I guided him through the whole set up phase, we played Strategy and a single Scheme (we flipped for them as usually) and I talked about things like General Tactical Actions and Attack Flips and so on, when we came to them.

The thing is that he already have read the rules and watched few videos on YouTube so he was quite oriented. This week I might be demoing another game. The guy borrowed a copy of Rules Manual and is reading it, but he said that the english used in it is difficult and that he won't probably be able to finish it in time.

He likes Rasputina so I thought that I would borrow the models from her Box Set from someone in our gaming community and I would play Zoraida. How would you proceed? Would you flip for Strategy and Schemes or just choose them? Should we play without Upgrades first or does Rasputina has an essential Upgrade? Are there any rules you would consider optional?

I am planning on printing out and laminating the Quick Reference Card because I find it very helpful for new players, Combat Modifiers and the list of General Tactical Actions being the main reasons. I wish our Malifaux gaming community would purchase one Starter Set or that the booklet from it was freely downloadable.


Honestly, I'd start it small. One Minion versus one Minion, about six inches apart. I used some colored beads to represent action points and went over the ones on the Minion itself and generic ones like Walk and Charge. Gets people used to Action Points, flipping cards and Duels.



Next, I scale it up by adding the other Minions in the box I'm demoing with, and the Henchman/Enforcer to lead it. No upgrades or Soulstones, this time we're adding Initiative, multiple models and the Fate Hand. I'd pick a Strategy like Turf War so you aren't just playing kill 'em all.


My demos today stopped there, but after that point I would introduce Masters and Soulstones. Do a different Strategy this time, like Squatter's Rights, and possibly a Scheme or two. Upgrades aren't something I'd bring into demos personally, Masters can be complicated enough at first with the extra Action Point and all the stuff they bring to the board. At whatever point I end, after the Henchman or Master game, I'd talk about whatever didn't get introduced so they're at least familiar with the concepts when they play again.


Personally, I would always pick my Strategies and Schemes for demos. It lets me tailor the terrain a little better, and if you're pairing up a couple demo crews you own you can find one they're pretty equal on. Squatter's Rights with Lilith and Rasputina wouldn't be especially fun for the Raspy player in my opinion, with how fast Tots can be.

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I'm good thanks guys. A miserable Monday morning but my wife comes home today after being away for 5 days so that's something to look forward to. 


How are you guys?

I'm good. Talked with my dad on the phone. Did some work stuff. Had a good weekend. Yup, I'm good.

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Thank you, Edonil. You can't imagine how helpful that was. I especially like the idea with coloured beads representing AP.

I think that Aaron wrote about the booklet form Starter Set (and what the scenarios are) somewhere, but I can't find it at the moment. I will try to find it later, go through the notes I made of your post and try to work out a script.

Thank you again :)

Oh, by the way, did the tag work? I tried to tag you (@ and your nickname without space) but it didn't underline it.

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I don't know, I think that 5 should be enough. I will just have to be less generous and probably won't use them in Off Topic Playground, because they do not count towards Reputation anyway.

I think that we should wait for few days and then post about things we miss, because they might be still adding some. Things like Back to the top button, seeing reputation of our posts (and who up/downvoted them), who is in the Chat Room, Go to the first unread post button in the thread or who is currently reading particular thread.

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I don't know, I think that 5 should be enough. I will just have to be less generous and probably won't use them in Off Topic Playground, because they do not count towards Reputation anyway.

I think that we should wait for few days and then post about things we miss, because they might be still adding some. Things like Back to the top button, seeing reputation of our posts (and who up/downvoted them), who is in the Chat Room, Go to the first unread post button in the thread or who is currently reading particular thread.

If they don't count, I don't know how I got to 1603 reputation :P

For some reason, the auto correcting to smileys bothers me

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