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I'll make sure my roommate wears her nicest Victoria's Secret just in case...




My roommate likes redheads... that may not be bad...


I bet she looks good wearing that metal mask and burning the place down while in her underwear..

But yeah.. burned out of infinity but nowhere to get my malifaux fix. :-(

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Well, I'm finally building the Ironsides box and man it's been a long time since I built Wyrd's stuff, and it's beautiful, lol. Working on The Captain right now, Probably going to do a Mage next. And it looks like I might be running a pair of demos on Sunday for people who have already bought stuff, lol. A guy who picked up Sonnia and another one who got a used Ramos. It's been so long since I last played I may need to run myself through a demo... >.>

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Also, I know what you guys mean about the difficulty of building a gaming community without shop support. The store I tried to Hench at, the owner almost literally cut my legs out from under me on it. Took almost a month to order any special order, ignored me when I talked about the stuff he should have on his shelf and then blamed me when no one bought the eight sets of base inserts he bought instead of starter boxes or any blisters of actual models. And he wouldn't let me advertise any demos or events, saying he didn't want any ads, no matter how well done, on the door as he had a giant one for the next Magic set. (shakes head) Amazes me how many shop owners seem to hate money...

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Well, calling it for now, but I've got The Captain and the hovering Mage cleaned and built. Going to need to attack them with greenstuff still, but that's okay, not too many gaps to fill in. Still need to figure out a basing scheme... going to take my time on it, because it'll probably be what I use for the Arcanists in general, lol.

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One of the other Mages - the one with the big flame whoosh - is a complete bastard to assemble, or was for me anyway. Separate leg pieces in a weird stance that I couldn't get to both fit with the moulding and put her at a height where the whoosh would touch her finger. I ended up having to rip her legs off and start again, and now there are gaps. Everyone else in that box was great to assemble, though.


I find Arcanist basing tricky, because the themes are quite distinct. I see Kaeris and Ironsides as being fairly urban, so mine are on cobbles. Rasputina and Marcus are out in the wilds, so they're on rocky bases. Mei Feng's on railway tracks, and Colette's on stage boards. I haven't built my proxy Ramos yet, but I'm not sure where I'd put him... possibly more railway, or a scrapyard. "One base type for the Faction" was a dream that died quickly.

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Any topic in particular aside from this one?


Nah. Everything. I try to keep up with the rules and newbie forums when someone wants my help. Faction forums, of course. Not to keen on the painting stuff, but I keep an eye on that as well.

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