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So I finally just finished reading through the "soapbox" thread... Some poignant and well thought out  points were made, and others.... not as well thought out...


Things have escalated a bit in the past hour though. Part of me doubts it's legitimacy, but for the sake of those involved, I hope it's resolved quickly.


Kinda want my time back now... :P

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Brief summary of Dreadball vs Blood Bowl: In essence, Dreadball is more like Rollerball without the skates, or the old PC game Speedball, while Blood Bowl is more like rugby with even more violence.


In Dreadball, you are often encouraged to take risks, because the payoffs are significant. For example, if you attempt to pick up the ball and roll well enough, you can also move or throw it without spending another action. You're limited to 5 actions per turn without this (or special strategy cards), so knowing when and how to take a chance is crucial.


Blood Bowl is more about planning and mitigating risk. It's also about knowing when to take a chance, but most of the time, you're thinking in terms of what you will do if something fails. Failing almost anything ends your turn (in Dreadball, only failing something with the ball will do so), so most games turn into a heavily tactical, but slow, grinding style of game. It's much, much easier to play Cyanide's PC version- I don't think I will ever play the tabletop version again unless I want to revisit the ancient 2nd Edition rules just for kicks.



Having lived in the Southeast most of my life, I am baffled by how people don't get that maybe it's not a good idea to fly a flag that actually means very little to you but is very hurtful to someone else. It's fine to have that flag in a museum, or to put it on a school project about the Civil War (as long as it's fair and not just glorifying the Confederacy), or in a historical Civil War game, or during a re-enactment. Beyond that, it is from a bygone era. The only reason we should even remember that flag is so we can avoid repeating the mistakes made under it.


You don't see anyone flying a Nazi flag and claiming "it's not about bigotry or oppression- I'm just celebrating my heritage," do you?

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Here either :D


The summary of my history education from ages 10 through 18:


In the beginning there was nothing, and then America won the Revolutionary War. Then people realized slavery was wrong, and the Civil War happened, and the North was the good guys. The first World War was a great victory for America. Then we, and we alone, saved all of Europe and the world in the second war. Then Communism happened, we were victorious in Korea, and we landed on the moon and it was a great victory for America again. We got about two weeks a year involving non-whites and civil rights, Vietnam was maybe a day because there was no victory, so it naturally gets glossed over. Then Communism stopped and America was victorious again.


I really wish I was making this up, but that's the short version of it. If I had children, I would make sure they were home schooled.

Wow. With that kind of historical outlook, I'd probably do the same. Would get me in trouble, though, as jome schooling is illegal here. No joke, the police is known to fetch children for school when parents don't comply with mandatoy schooling.

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I don't want to go over there and look at those incendiary threads you guys have mentioned, for pretty much the same reasons as Crush, though the bleeding-heart social misfit in me wonders if offering an empathetic ear to this person who is so upset might help. I don't think I want to know which people are willfully misogynist.


Still, the fact that it can be discussed for a little bit before the mods have to get involved is, in a sense, a bit of progress in itself.


And as far as education about the Holocaust, I had relatives who avoided (and in one case, survived) the concentration camps. I was morbidly curious about who could do such a thing and read a book called The Rise and Fall of Adolf Hitler in 3rd Grade. Even did a report about it. Michigan schools are better than any others I attended, because my teachers were smart enough to let me learn rather than try to shelter me or consider me "disturbed".


TL;DR I try really hard not to be a raging cynic, but no matter how much effort I put into avoiding things that reinforce that cynicism (like TV news in this country), it always seems to end up that way.


I think Kay from Men in Black said it best:



A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. Everything they've ever "known" has been proven to be wrong. A thousand years ago everybody knew as a fact, that the earth was the center of the universe. Five hundred years ago, everybody knew that the Earth was flat, and fifteen minutes ago, you knew that humans were alone on it. Imagine what you'll know tomorrow.

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And flying a Nazi flag is punishable by prison. Even depicting it outside educational reasons. Seriously, guys, if you ever visit, don't pull shit like that even as a joke. If you do a Hitler salute or wave a Nazi flag, people will call the police on you and your ambassador will have to get involved. And I suspect he'll be reluctant.

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Long story short version: There aren't enough women, men hate women, there's a lot of unsupported claims, absolutely no facts presented, and a lot of hyperbole. Then someone awoke the dragon and Nathan said "cut the shit or we start the bans." I give it one out of five stars. Pretty much nothing to add at this point to that thread, other than everyone hopefully got the hair out of their collective ass over things.

But you can read the ramblings of a fumbling German pulling his hair out trying to express his position. It's something.

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That respect thing we talked about earlier ;)


Plus, you I could possibly help by listening and paying attention, letting you vent. I am not going to be able to solve thousands of years of misogyny and repression on a Tuesday. It's all about picking the battles you can win

Sigh. And I could probably help by stopping when somebody says "Not again". At least sometimes....

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It's strange how much varies depending on area within the US.


I know growing up, most of my history was California history, not US history. (I think California and Texas don't realize they are part of a larger country). So there was a whole lot about Native Americans, the gold rush, Spanish missions.


And as far as the civil war goes, the South were very much the pro-slavery "bad guys" and we were told all about the Union California unit that fought at Gettysburg (none of whom were from California... but we wired them money for their uniforms!)

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Stopping is hard, as any addict can tell you.


Is Malifaux an addiction?


Well, I have a friend, who likes to post this certain gif....


*rumbles around in his gif archive*


Now where was it?


*more rumbling*




*pulls out a gif and dusts it off*



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Man that soapbox thread took a turn for the worse. I feel some people may be getting warnings soon. Maybe the next time nathan has a look. That thread is getting toxic and i am staying out of making comments in there.

Its a shame when constructive comments (about multipart kits for example) are overlooked to once again fight personal agendas

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Going to give Mei Feng another try tonight, and maybe another Misaki game. Still trying to master both, but they're proving to be more and more fun for me. :D


Mei Feng is a Schnitzel! /non-cannibal


You are now my favourite person in here after zGuild and Aaron.


You may not have met zGuild. He is zFiend's responsible, nice twin.


Aaron is just that awesome guy who works for the company.

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The scary thing is, up here in the central north stuff like Sitting Bull and General Custer get just as badly distorted.  :(  It's sad when you learn a version of history that sounds kinda bad and one sided as a kid, and then find out how worse it actually was as an adult.

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