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True. He even makes a good point. I believe that Wyrd can make a contribution to changing society in the long run, but they cannot take blame for some asshole. I suspect that his no-sugar-coating post might not sit with Ferossa well, and further escalate the discussion, though.


Yeah I think he makes a solid point. But he doesn't really sugar coat it. It might benefit from being a bit more friendly possibly, on the other hand it might not go through that way. It's a tough one but I respect that he speaks his mind with the subtlety of a shotgun. A person like that doesn't probably lie. :D 

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There was a personality study done a while ago that showed a correlation between people who swear often and the tendency to be more honest. More swearing means more honest. SCIENCE!!


I am a VERY trustworthy person if it is true. 

I remember the Mrs harping on about that a few years back when she was doing her Degree

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Morning all! Hope everyone had a relaxing weekend! What's going on today?


I'm going in for a dreadball league tonight, I think!  It will be my first game.  After that I plan to fret over my surgery tomorrow!  hehe

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I will admit its funny that we are discussing the discussion of another thread :D


Meta discussion.


Okay, translation time (you will quickly see why I like it):


Hast Du Dich heute schon geärgert, war es heute wieder schlimm?

Were you angry today, was it bad today?

Hast Du Dich wieder gefragt, warum kein Mensch was unternimmt?

Did you ask yourself why no one does anything today?

Du musst nicht akzeptieren, was Dir überhaupt nicht passt.

You don't have to accept what you don't like one bit

Wenn Du Deinen Kopf nicht nur zum Tragen einer Mütze hast, ohoho.

If your head is not just there for wearing a hat.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Glaub keinem, der Dir sagt, dass Du nichts verändern kannst.

Don't believe people who say you can't change anything.

Die, die das behaupten, haben nur vor der Veränderung Angst.

Those who say so just are afraid of change.

Es sind dieselben, die erklären, es sei gut so, wie es ist.

They are the same who say it's good as it is.

Und wenn Du etwas ändern willst, dann bist Du automatisch Terrorist.

And you're a terrorist for wanting change.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Weil jeder, der die Welt nicht ändern will, ihr Todesurteil unterschreibt.

Because everyone who doesn't want to change the world signs its death penalty.

"Lass uns diskutieren, denn in unserem schönen Land,

"Let's discuss it, because in our country

sind zumindest theoretisch alle furchtbar tolerant.

everybody is theoretically tolerant.

Worte wollen nichts bewegen, Worte tun niemandem weh.

Words don't want to change, words don't hurt

Darum lass uns drüber reden. Diskussionen sind ok."

So lets talk about it, talking is alright.

Nein - geh mal wieder auf die Straße, geh mal wieder demonstrieren.

No - get out to the streets again, go demonstrate again

Denn wer nicht mehr versucht zu kämpfen, kann nur verlieren!

those who stop fighting can only lose!

Die Dich verarschen, die hast Du selbst gewählt.

Those who bullshit you, were elected by you.

Darum lass sie Deine Stimme hören, weil jede Stimme zählt, ohoho.

Let them hear your voice because every voice counts.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.


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Benshin did. It's how I got my new desk, which looks better than any desk in the entire building, and got the authority to look for cheaper office supplies on Amazon, thereby making me look smarter and more concerned with the operations of the office, despite only saying "did you check Amazon if it's cheaper?"


Being a genius around here doesn't take much effort. At all. Sadly, no one puts in the effort :P


lol, he's right. Because he's the first person to put personal interests aside in favor of business interests, and all the other people that started in his position would rather be catty little bitches. Hell, he even put together his own desk.


How was everyone else's 4th? I spent mine trying out Perdita against Hoffman. Have to say... I'm impressed. :D

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Meta discussion.


Okay, translation time (you will quickly see why I like it):


Hast Du Dich heute schon geärgert, war es heute wieder schlimm?

Were you angry today, was it bad today?

Hast Du Dich wieder gefragt, warum kein Mensch was unternimmt?

Did you ask yourself why no one does anything today?

Du musst nicht akzeptieren, was Dir überhaupt nicht passt.

You don't have to accept what you don't like one bit

Wenn Du Deinen Kopf nicht nur zum Tragen einer Mütze hast, ohoho.

If your head is not just there for wearing a hat.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Glaub keinem, der Dir sagt, dass Du nichts verändern kannst.

Don't believe people who say you can't change anything.

Die, die das behaupten, haben nur vor der Veränderung Angst.

Those who say so just are afraid of change.

Es sind dieselben, die erklären, es sei gut so, wie es ist.

They are the same who say it's good as it is.

Und wenn Du etwas ändern willst, dann bist Du automatisch Terrorist.

And you're a terrorist for wanting change.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Weil jeder, der die Welt nicht ändern will, ihr Todesurteil unterschreibt.

Because everyone who doesn't want to change the world signs its death penalty.

"Lass uns diskutieren, denn in unserem schönen Land,

"Let's discuss it, because in our country

sind zumindest theoretisch alle furchtbar tolerant.

everybody is theoretically tolerant.

Worte wollen nichts bewegen, Worte tun niemandem weh.

Words don't want to change, words don't hurt

Darum lass uns drüber reden. Diskussionen sind ok."

So lets talk about it, talking is alright.

Nein - geh mal wieder auf die Straße, geh mal wieder demonstrieren.

No - get out to the streets again, go demonstrate again

Denn wer nicht mehr versucht zu kämpfen, kann nur verlieren!

those who stop fighting can only lose!

Die Dich verarschen, die hast Du selbst gewählt.

Those who bullshit you, were elected by you.

Darum lass sie Deine Stimme hören, weil jede Stimme zählt, ohoho.

Let them hear your voice because every voice counts.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.

Es ist nicht Deine Schuld, dass die Welt ist, wie sie ist.

It's not your fault the world is as it is.

Es wär nur Deine Schuld, wenn sie so bleibt.

It'd just be your fault if it stayed this way.




Sounds like I need to listen to that song. Sounds very inspirational.



Is it just me or does Meat twinkies sound VERY dodgy?


it's Dutch food. 

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How was everyone else's 4th? I spent mine trying out Perdita against Hoffman. Have to say... I'm impressed. :D


I don't celebrate the 4th, but spent the day priming Kirai's boxset and constructing the bases for her and her spirits

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How was everyone else's 4th? I spent mine trying out Perdita against Hoffman. Have to say... I'm impressed. :D


Unspectacular. Played games. Designed games. Lots of sweat and cool drinks because Germany has a new heat record. I vaguely remember some nation celebrates that day for something that happened 250 years ago and was only ten years later vastly outperformed by the French, though.

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