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I enjoyed reading yours and Dirial's rant about generation smartphone though. A lot of that is so true


Yeah we had a morning rage rant there. It could have been discussed a lot more as we merely scratched the surface of the problem.


Such as my little brother taking selfies while driving the car without his seatbelt on. 

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Speaking of that idiot.. My dad just called. Wow, talk of the devil.


The copycat killer has been arrested and is in jail atm. That freaking idiot was pulled over by the cops when he drove his car, without the rear view mirror, without seatbelt aaaaand drunk out of his mind. So he's in the holding cell and lost his license for now. That's what my dad knew at this point. 


Fucking hell, when he gets out it's a Flurry of Backhand instantly triggering Palmside. Seriously, if he wants to act like an idiot and endanger his own life, go ahead. But the amount of danger he puts on other people with that level of stupidity is unforgivable. 

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Yeah sure does. 


Anyway back to more pleasant topics. Haven't gotten much painted today but I've dabbled a bit paint all over my Gremlins and once these are done, they need a few washes, some highlights, paint the bases and once those are done (which isn't a huge task) I'm looking at a 18 more models painted. :D 

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This forum really needs a "human equality complaints" section instead of people spewing forth onto every single "new model" thread.

This place is turning into "why CJ never goes into the outside world" real quick lately


I agree.

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I..... live.......


Anyway, I played Kaeris vs Neverborn zFie... Lucius yesterday. I took the Firestarter + Doom Ward Oxford combo. (Regen + Reckless means you are almost a Gremlin) Born of Fire turned out to be a 2ss waste. (seriously, why does that upgrade suck so much) Spider Swarm did eat 2 VP for protect Territory in turn 5, which is great, still not enough to win, sadly. 

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