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If it wasn't worth it, I wouldn't be doing it ;)


I've done the projected financial gains, and after November I will be able to finally start living the life I have been working towards. I've been poor and downtrodden for 33 years already, what's another *counts on fingers* 5 months?


Buddy, we've discussed this before. I suspect that you a. cannot appreciate the risks, and b. live in a system that kinda forces you to these decisions. I won't begrudge you your decisions (it's your life, and you're an adult), I have told you about a., and b. is not your fault.


But I maintain my critique of b. A society that doesn't protect the little people from having to make your decisions is a shit society. And I don't mean just the American one.


Plus you guys in here, my boss, and my roommate are pretty much my therapy. 


Yes... even Aauron helps sometimes.


Good thing you have at least some compensation here. ;)

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Read: I don't dislike YOU. I just dislike everything you stand for.

I dislike the capitalist shadow rule. He's a victim, not a perp.

Dirial is on acting quite respectable recently. I think he's trying to leave the stooges.

Nah. My humour is pretty respectless. You just only knew my funny side.

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Someone here asked like hours ago when I first woke up. Anywho, Malifaux. Victorian mystery horror. Not so much action, but hopefully horror and creepy suspense. 


I look forward to it. Changeling the Lost has a supplement about Victorian horror, by the way...


It was Edonil who asked, I think.

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Debating to back the Beast: The Primordial kickstarter. Just to save money on all the other 2nd editions that can be added.


I also put the new Penny Dreadfuls in my shopping card. Just debating what I could add now that I'm shopping anyways.

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