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How come you gotta go there?


Well, if you don't have a job (like me at the moment), you have to do this counseling at a government institution. It's not like it will help me much, but it'Äs mandatory nonetheless.

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Well, if you don't have a job (like me at the moment), you have to do this counseling at a government institution. It's not like it will help me much, but it'Äs mandatory nonetheless.

Oh yeah. I once went to such a thing. I went there to ask about jobs, education possibilities and all that. The guy wasted 1,5hrs of my time talking about sulfur directives, how we should bring the old currency back, how euro is a bad thing and in the end he said "now you just go home and find a job". That was what I was there for, to get some help on that matter and information about different possibilities. I got nothing. That guy was the most useless person I've ever met, I have no idea what he actually does to this day.

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I know that in Australia at least, those career-finding agencies are little more than a scam. They provide the illusion of a service while actually providing no help of substance or value to jobseekers, and sucking money from the government teat. In order to keep their stats up, they shuffle people around without ever actually getting them a real job.


So, uh... good luck with the thing, I guess.

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Yeah, that's what I expect as well. Had to go to such a thing once before and the woman asked me if I knew that I could look for jobs on the internet. How does she think I graduated university?

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So it is friday once more

The day we all adore

for our week long struggles come to an end.

and we can play Malifaux with our friends!


A thing of beauty! *a solitary tear rolls down left cheek*


I'm actually planning on building some stuff and getting Nekima painted this weekend. Might even make a start on Ramos or Tara's crews. Probably Tara though... Ramos has just sooo many spiders to paint! 

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