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don't know his number lol...he is someone i bought some built stuff off last year and he offered to build things for me for a reasonable price.  I have had two lots done already, but this last batch seems to be taking forever.  i know he has moved house and job but you can only cut some slack.


Quite annoying. I hope they aren't lost in the move then. 


But I agree. If you are offering a service and accepting payment, then you have some obligations.

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Quite annoying. I hope they aren't lost in the move then. 


But I agree. If you are offering a service and accepting payment, then you have some obligations.

no, his last email about a week and a half ago said he had built everything apart from Kirai and i stressed i wanted them at the end of May.


Hopefully he has finished them this weekend just gone and can pop them in the post this week.


I want to get Hoffman on the tabletop!!

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no, his last email about a week and a half ago said he had built everything apart from Kirai and i stressed i wanted them at the end of May.


Hopefully he has finished them this weekend just gone and can pop them in the post this week.


I want to get Hoffman on the tabletop!!


Heh, I don't really care if she's built or not. I just want to get her. :D

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Extra Hours?  Apart from the fact my line of work doesn't really give the opportunity of extra hours except for one period in the year, i have found that you either have to do shed loads of hours to make it worthwhile or have it as time in lieu.


Too few hours and it seems most gets swallowed in tax etc..

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Good to hear your brother is pretty well off. 


Yeah, it's still not pleasant, but it seems like it will just be that. Which is pretty great if eyes and brain are affected.


Thanks for the support, guys.

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