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You know, if we wanna decide on schemes and strats and soulstone size, if you give me your list I can totally set up your pieces for you in advance...


... and then I can use your list to pick one that is strategically a match for yours!!  BWAHAHAHA!!!


Or, you know, I'll just play Yan Lo.

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This weekend, I have no idea..Saturday will likely be catching up with all the crap i didn't get around to in the week.  Sunday i think we are meeting friends (with kids also) for a picnic at a local stately Home.


Monday..who knows?


If i get even an hour of time i plan to build my ltd ed performer in preparation for being taylorfied...

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I honestly have no idea what kind of a player I am. In tournaments I try to be above middle place, I've never won one, but I have come in 2nd a few times and I did qualify for the masters at gen con one year. hehe! my area is super competitive, and adepticon is super competitive, so its hard for me to judge. I'm guessing I am at the high end of average.


But I'm still trying to learn Yan Lo, so I'm guessing I'm at the low end of average with him. :P

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It is weird though that she is pretty much the exact opposite of my wife.


Taylor is tall and probably too slim.  My wife is shorter and curvy.

Taylor has Blonde hair.  My wife is Brunette.

Taylor seems a bitch.  My wife is lovely.


Hey I guess you have to have yin with yang!

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I am all theory, very little practice. Like Abs, I am beer and pretzels grade. When my hobby requires as much work and stress as my actual job, it is no longer a hobby, and therefore not fun. 


Agreed!  My level of competativeness is not to the point where I flip tables, or things like that.  But I am around a couple of people that take the game very seriously.  And a bunch of other people that are just naturally good players.

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