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to be honest, if you believe all the naughty sites, then most east european wenches are easy too..


and like ordering pizza, or sleeping with their best friends' dad...


or the plumber! They seem to get around quite a bit them plumbers. True story, "Playah!" is derived from Plumber *nods* :D

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My cats all have multiple names too!


Simon Samuel (aka Simon, aka kitty, aka Mr. Heines, aka Rochelle Mongo Heines, aka Stripey, aka Turd Lord) Most commonly called: Kitty
Dorkasaurus Rex (aka Rex, aka Stan, aka Stanley Stanrick Stannerson the Stanth of his Stan, aka Orange) Most commonly called: Stan

Twiggy (aka Little Bit, aka Bit Bit, aka Bitty, aka Ho-bag, aka Whore, aka Skank) Most commonly called: Ho-bag


Urg... forgot to hit "post" a while ago, so I'm sure this is no longer relevent.

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Genuinely curious - Dirial, how, if at all, does Germany mark today (end of WW-II in Europe)?

Asking because it's somewhat of an occasion here in DC. Currently there is a large ceremony at the WW-II memorial and in about 15 minutes we'll have fighter planes of the era flying all over the city.

Hell, how does Europe as a whole mark the occasion?

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For some reason it just hit me how many things I will never do in my life.  Books I will never read, places I will never see.  I hate thoughts like these.


Also, F*ck cancer.

Er, huh? I hope this doesn't mean what it sounds like. If it does, I don't know what to say other than, well, I'm not sure. *non-creepy, platonic, online-friend hug, unless it's unwanted, in which case not*

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Genuinely curious - Dirial, how, if at all, does Germany mark today (end of WW-II in Europe)?


Yeah, it's really big news. Speeches by historians in parliament, speeches about how we're thankful to our liberators, who were even nice enough to catch us after our fall. Reminders to be mindful of the past's lessons. Images of our destroyed cities. Each concentration camp has its own memorial ceremony, it has been going on for weeks and months.


John Kerry was in France, I've seen, to honor the Allied efforts and such.


Fighter planes, though - not really appropriate here.


Victoria, digital hug from me, too. Wish you all the best...

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Wait what? Victoria.. I wish you all the best and a hug from me too. Keep fighting you amazing woman!

I will send you a bottle of salmiakkikossu as soon as I get enough money to do so. Not because I feel pity, but because you are fucking awesome.

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Thanks, Z, I will definitely try to fight this!


Right now things are kind of on hold while I take a bunch of stupid pills that will hopefully shrink some of these cancerous cells... and then?  Its time to spawn a mini version of me.  Or attempt to.  I won't know anything until late June/early July after I have a surgery.  Its experimental treatment.  If things look good, its baby time.  (hopefully!)  And if things look bad, its time to rip out my lady parts!


Unfortunately these pills make me terrible to be around for my poor husband.  I'm constantly hot (have the air conditioner set on 64 degrees), pissy and grumpy for no reason at all, and constantly hungry... which makes me even more irritable.  I also have terrible mood swings. 


My husband is a saint to put up with me right now.

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I'm constantly hot


That's what.... Never mind. :D




Ok guys, let's not get down about this. V is awesome, and will remind us of the fact for a long time.


The fighter plane fly over in DC was AWESOME. I was surprised that there were a couple German and Japanese planes involved. A squadron of B-17 bombers even buzzed my office. That was probably the coolest thing that happened this week.

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