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He was there to deliver a bouquet of flowers he cut himself!


I'll use that excuse next time! ;)


I'm seriously being drawn to the Arcanists at the moment. So much so I'm considering purging my collection of Guild. Naturally I'll be keeping McMourning (for Resser purposes), Hoffman and McCabe but I'm seriously contemplating getting rid of Lady J, Sonnia, Lucius and Perdita. I'll probably hang onto the Death Marshalls and Stalkers for my remaining Guild and Outcasts respectively but I just don't have any interest in playing them anymore. 

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He was there to deliver a bouquet of flowers he cut himself!


Question, does justifying it like this make you feel less like you are zFiend? :P


Ugh. Twisted, maybe sprained, my knee. And they say running and other exercise is healthy...


I know right? *Sits on his lazy ass* 

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So, a little change in direction. What was the latest model or group of models you bought and why? Here's mine, I picked them up because 1) They were dirt cheap on eBay, 2) They are sexy and 3) I'm really enjoying Warzone at the moment and these guys are straight up badass! :D





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So, a little change in direction. What was the latest model or group of models you bought and why? Here's mine, I picked them up because 1) They were dirt cheap on eBay, 2) They are sexy and 3) I'm really enjoying Warzone at the moment and these guys are straight up badass! :D






My Skitarii stuff. Because they looked awesome. No regrets!

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