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I wore some of my wife's lingerie in college, though the pictures are lost to time.


I don't care how you dress or think of yourself or whatever. I do, however, begin to care if you're hypersensitive about whatever niche group you tend to belong to.

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Lol, if nothing else it turns out that all of us are crossdressers as well as gamers..well, only Aaron and Tehmik haven't fessed up yet..


Anything you'd like to tell us..


(the cool thing is, i still have a set of the pics..my wife thinks they are very interesting!)


EDIT:  Aaron has too! 


Come on Teh mik..full house?

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I wore some of my wife's lingerie in college, though the pictures are lost to time.


I don't care how you dress or think of yourself or whatever. I do, however, begin to care if you're hypersensitive about whatever niche group you tend to belong to.


I approve of this worldview.

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Lol, if nothing else it turns out that all of us are crossdressers as well as gamers..well, only Aaron and Tehmik haven't fessed up yet..


Anything you'd like to tell us..


(the cool thing is, i still have a set of the pics..my wife thinks they are very interesting!)


Aaron did fess up, and apparently I'm the odd one out as I haven't dressed up in the clothing of the opposite gender*. 


Now there is a sentence I never knew I'd write.


*Randomly throwing on my mom's shirts when I was 5-ish doesn't count.

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Also known as "Amateur Hour Part Two," right after St. Patrick's Day. Then America behaves during Oktoberfest, and goes right back to being drunken idiots for New Year's Eve. I really should try to go to the Oktoberfest at the motorcycle club by my apartment this year. $20 for free food and beer? Yes please. 


Oktoberfest at a local club?


Sic transit gloria mundi.

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Yeah, although it shouldn't bother me, i am still reluctant to tell some people about the gaming...I'm 40 ffs, why should i care!!


I Just know their reaction...so, i don't bother.


Yet I showed them the photos of me as a woman...go figure!!


There's not quite so much stigma these days. I occasionally get the odd look but I'm above all that now. It used to bother me a lot people thinking I was a geek but these days I embrace it and if people give me that look I flip'em the bird and walk away proudly. 

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Yeah, although it shouldn't bother me, i am still reluctant to tell some people about the gaming...I'm 40 ffs, why should i care!!


I Just know their reaction...so, i don't bother.


I have given up on being embarassed about my hobbies. I mean, who really has cooler hobbies? Hobbies are not serious, that's why they are hobbies.

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Well, I tell people all the time. Some people find it strange, but I am not particularly strange. I feel it is my duty to show that many nerds are just people, despite what pop culture references would have them believe. 


Unable to "like" it, so consider that liked.

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I actually thought it was more likely that zFiend is not particularly recognizable as human, let alone a gender, so crossdressing can't really apply to him.


You really fit quite well into our little group, you know that?

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I don't know why, but I have never been embarassed to be involved with miniature wargaming.  I know a lot of people that are, though. 


I'm rather proud of it, myself.


I used to be in high school (started in late elementary school). But once I got to college I stopped caring what people thought about it. Agree with you V, I am kind of proud of it.

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I used to be in high school (started in late elementary school). But once I got to college I stopped caring what people thought about it. Agree with you V, I am kind of proud of it.


There's nothing to be ashamed of really. It's artistic, creative, strategic and most importantly... fun! 

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