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Off Topic Playground

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This always makes me think of CatDog the old cartoon. I always wonders which end eats and which end, well... you know :D


Link for those that may not remember or be aware of CatDog




Ah CatDog. A pretty cool cartoon I saw when I was young. Didn't stack up against the better disney cartoons though

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Well you are in luck CJ. I just happened to walk across a beautiful pair of buns wrapped in yoga pants a second ago. Didn't know it was that warm out yet but DAYUM! Almost good enough to start Dirialing her and skip game day.

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Yeah, I have another walk planned for tomorrow, probably Thursday. Four miles of riverside track. More yoga pants than you can shake a pumpkin spice latte at ;)

So did you talk this me moving over thing through with your roommate? Like said. She can stay I don't mind sharing. ;)

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Well, that was refreshing. Played one mission in XCOM and now had to read 20 minutes to keep up with you guys.


So, zFiend skipped out on a pair of yoga pants, while complimenting MD's Mrs? And Tom is here!


Did I miss something important?

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Well, that was refreshing. Played one mission in XCOM and now had to read 20 minutes to keep up with you guys.


So, zFiend skipped out on a pair of yoga pants, while complimenting MD's Mrs? And Tom is here!


Did I miss something important?


Yes. You missed important things.

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Morning! Holy crap, you guys posted a lot while my computer was dead... Well. It's still dead. >.> I found a work around, lol.


Morning, Ed! Your computer went up in smoke? Explains your long absence.

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