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Wait what?! Your taking her name when you guys get married?


This isn't all that strange these days. If I get married, I really don't care if she takes my name. I'm not royalty (cue Lorde) or the inheritor of some financial empire or whatever. Plenty of cultures trace ancestry through the women instead of the men.



 - Rotting Poop


It should be White Dog Poop

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When a model is in base contact with a Poo Marker, it gains the following Action:


(1) Spread the Love (Sh 5 / Rst: Df / Rg: :ranged 6): Models hit by this attack gain the following condition until the end of the turn: 'Mud In Your Eye: This model receives Slow.' Then discard Poo marker.

      :ram Impacted: Models hit by this attack also suffer 1 Damage

      :crow Something It Ate: Models hit by this attack also gain Poison +1

      :tome  Downwind: Models targeted with  :melee or  :ranged by a model with Mud In Your Eye receive  :+fate  to the Df flip

      :mask Can't See S***: A model affected by Mud In Your Eye can only take Walk actions during its activation


... it's been a slow day at the office, and this is how I cope...


You can easily join the club :D

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There once was a gremlin, Mah Tucket,

Who kept kin in line with a bucket...

*other rhyming words*

*some more rhyming words*

*incredibly witty ending to do with Trixiebelle running off with a jug of hooch*


You are off to a fine start

With the first steps into the art

Though you might need to work on your rhyme

But that will improve next time!

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