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Ratty - rural Britain is nothing like that within a good many miles of me, lol! It must be of the English and not us Welsh :P

And in other news...

Oops, almost forgot it's Gencon weekend! Thankfully I remembered in the end for me to get my order in, heh. Ah, hard to remember the little things when you're busy saving the word from totalitarian tyrants, zombies, psychopaths, ghosts, dragons and who knows what else (I think I may have been on the Xbox to much lately, not sure...) like painting miniatures, finishing a drawing that's taken me 7 months to do (my hands can barely hold a pen or pencil anymore, a sad thing indeed for a artist, but at least I can still do a up/down motion so I can paint minis, lol) and various other things.

Still, it was a close thing but I shall have my Miss Step and nightmare editions shinies :)

Oh yeah, if people have been wondering why the monoliths were missing on Wednesday and Thursday, they were taken away for their tri-annual maintenance. The Gothic SHow Girls were hard at work on them and no promise the Slipper Monolith will no longer try to eat your hands, it will now just try to swallow you whole like intended all along. They do enjoy helping out ;)

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Sigh, waiting for you guys to answer when it's a dead zone in here is duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulllllllllllllll

Anyway: I got a rifle! it's a beauty! post-12583-13911930571345_thumb.jpg

It shoots like butter! So smooth! and the action on the bolt is easy peasy. I really like it a lot. I even don't mind the 4 round internal magazine. 223 ammo is a little pricy so it means I can still shoot for quite a while, but I don't ahve to spend a mint on ammo. It's a bolt action, and a piece of cake to clean up. pull the bolt, wipe it down, snake the barrel and you're done. There is literally nothing else to it!

Also I got to try a game of malifaux today. Played the Viks. I like them a lot!

Edited by bowchikawowers
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Should I be worried she gets THAT excited about a gun? :)

I know nothing about guns whatsoever, but living in the UK I guess guns aren't that big a deal, you could probably live your whole life and not come into contact with one. It is a big contrast I guess between here and the US.

I have fired one or two in the past, tried a shotgun once as a teenager. Never again, even though I managed to keep the butt against my shoulder, it felt like I'd cracked my bones! I had bruising for over a week! Missed the target too..

I will leave guns well alone I think, I'm with Steam..pointy arrows for the win lol!

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