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If you look closely at your monitor, you can see me bristling with envy.


*leans forwards, see's a German seething with envy, laughs*  :P


In other news you hear about the women's world cup? England scored an own goal in Injury time against Japan (which is hilarious as a none football fan) so now the finals will be USA vs. Japan for 1st and 2nd and England vs. Germany for 3rd and 4th places. There's a little bit of deja vu in there somewhere!



rain.... what is that you speak of?


It's this mystical force that happens once every other day in Britain were... now just go with me on this.... water falls from the sky!  :lol:



Really? It's still hot and muggy where I am :/



Yeah we've had rain down on the South Coast. It's amazing! 

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*leans forwards, see's a German seething with envy, laughs*  :P


In other news you hear about the women's world cup? England scored an own goal in Injury time against Japan (which is hilarious as a none football fan) so now the finals will be USA vs. Japan for 1st and 2nd and England vs. Germany for 3rd and 4th places. There's a little bit of deja vu in there somewhere!


...............................how do you score an own goal in injury time? what.


It's this mystical force that happens once every other day in Britain were... now just go with me on this.... water falls from the sky!  :lol:




THIS GUY dared to use the words 'strawberry' and 'low-carb' in the same sentence with 'beer'. And called it okay.


Dirial uses OBJECTION!, with the To Your Food trigger.


Horror 210 duel.

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...............................how do you score an own goal in injury time? what.


Aparantly she tried to deflect a cross and accidentally knocked it into her own goal!



Morning all, I have cloud cover WOOT!


*high five*



a lynch mob or a Lynch mob? ;)


Fuck it, why not both?! :D

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