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Off Topic Playground

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~Wakes up in my comfy chair to the sounds of something terrible coming our way~

Guys, hide!

~The doors burst open and large group of Gothic Showgirls led by #66 younger sisters clone enters the thread and immediately begin to redecorate the thread~

I have the Azumi model myself, still working up the courage to paint it.

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You Georgia folks going to be at Dragoncon this year?

Going back to anime for a moment- Panda, track down Panda-Z. Cute panda character and his friends crossed with Mazinger Z (Tranzor Z to some of us in the States). I think you'd like it.

Gurren Lagann is worth watching if you like anime, period. The entire show runs on Rule of Cool- basically the abilities of the mecha are unleashed through sheer willpower. There are a lot of good-natured spoofs of anime tropes, too.

In other news, might be joining an SCA group and starting up fencing! Haven't tried my hand at that in six years, wasn't any good at it, but who knows, maybe this time it'll take.

Try the traditional fencing again if you do- it'll give you a huge advantage.

Oh, by the way, Tooth and Nail Factions is a lot of fun- it's a simple combat vs. resource management game that has a surprising amount of strategy to it (which, from what I have heard, is the designer's MO). You lose if your deck hits zero cards at any time but if you play it safe and only draw once per turn you won't do enough to your opponent to win. The fact that the designer was inspired by Battle Beasts for the theme is a bonus. http://www.smallboxgames.com/tnfpreorder.html

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