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Another "what should I get next" thread


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So, I have:

Sonnia box

Lady J box

Purifying Flame


3x extra Witchlings

I have about $50 to spend, and I'm thinking of getting a Lucius box (because he looks so damn cool) and an Executioner.

Are these decent choices, meaning, will they go well with what I have, or will I have to buy more to further bolster, say, a Lucius box?

Alternatively, I've been thinking of picking up the rest of the Guild totems, because it seems like it might be good to have them all. Any comments on this are much appreciated.


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If you are wanting to use Lucius as a Leader his box could do with a pack of guards and a pack or two of Austringers, as well as a totem for him as these are all he can take. Using him with another master you don't have these problems, and I like a lot of the stuff in his box.

Executioner is very nice (unless its on the other side of the table to you) with any of the masters, giving you a very potent melee threat.


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I like the Austringers. You set them up high, and they work as Snipers. Picking up some clams of the Ortegas (Nino and Santiago would be my suggestions) isn't a bad idea either. Nino is a sharp shooter and Santiago does more damage when he's hurt. Both of them have Shrug Off so they can hold their own in Sonnia's Crew, and they move at the same rate as the death Marshals, so you have everyone moving across the board at the same pace.

I have the executioner, but I don't run him often. He's a great model with great stats. I just find other models more useful. I play against a lot of ranged armies, so I want to stay away from them. The Executioner can't do that...

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The obvious answer is Ressurectionists, they are far cooler than guild.. You could definitely get a Seamus crew set up for that much.


Hush you! Ressers can never compete with the Guild. ;)

*shakes head sadly* Ratty, when are you going to realize that we aren't going away and you're just going to have to assimilate... or perish :D

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Ressers just wish they were as cool as the Neverborn. Yeah yeah undead, we are sooooo past that. Pfftt Undead are so last century *flips hair*

In all seriousness though, the Executioner is a fantastic model. If for no other reason then taking a lot of time and planning to deal with. I always dread Lilith coming up against him. I usually have to do some strange things to get rid of him in that match up.

Glad to see Nino is already on your list. I despise playing against that model so it definitely should be on your list ;D

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Well,I tried out using gov's proxy last week,I would only add it into a list where your not likely to have many morale duels. But that +2wp is an awesome bonus.

and as for us Ressers dealing with the guild...remember..we love the environment.

Reduce -> Re-use -> Re-animate!

Edit :Or as my 11 year old said "Also known as re-educate" *grins* I think things are going well,even if he is deadset on a guild crew as his first.

Edited by Dark Alleycat
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$50 would get you a lot of different things. You could get the Raspy box set, a Silent One and the Essence of Power for a full 35 SS crew. You could buy Colette's box set and the Coryphees. You could get the Dreamer's box and the Daydreams. The Viks box, plus another couple random Mercs. Von Schills box is also a decent mesh with the Masters you've got already.

But, all said and done, if you want to stick with the Guild, than Lucius and the Executioner are an excellent choice. Lucius' Reinforcements can work pretty well for keeping your Executioner safe. Only bring him to the front lines when you're ready for him to start making a mess. :)

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I pulled a left turn and decided to not get Lucius quite yet, and instead round out my collection of 1st book Guild Crews. I bought:

-Perdita box (individually, b/c I already have Nino)

-Abuela (gotta have all the family, right?)


-Governor's Proxy (not sure how great it is but I want to try it out)

My FLGS has a 20% off minis coupon for this month (look in the Mercury, Portlanders), so I got all that for just shy of 50 bones.

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I own but haven't used the Governor's Proxy, yet. I think it is a very good totem that is even better in some match ups, but you may regret not picking up Perdita's Enslaved Nephelim for her, especially if you want to Obey models. The Enslaved Nephelim has the required mask for Obey.

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Good to know :) I probably won't play Perdita for a little while; I'm new to the game and am going to focus on Sonnia for a while, then I also have a Lady J box. I just got an influx of gaming cash and couldn't resist spending it on Malifaux.

I do plan on picking up the Nephilim & Scales of Justice eventually.

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