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Doctor: David Tenant

Companion: Karen Gillan (Amy Pond)

Enemy: Weeping Angels

Episode: The Doctor's Wife


edit: I'm with LonelyPath: I reeeaaalllly don't like Tate

Edited by Brandu
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watche it for the first time tomight , I watched season 5 episode 1 which i heard was a reboot of the show . It started off slow for me , being my first time watching I had to figure out the personality of the Dr. . But buy the end I was hooked , and cant wait to watch more . I also want to go back and watch from season 1 .

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David Tennant's run is the best with the current run of DW, but I hope you enjoy them all :) I wouldn't call a new doctor a reboot though, many times there have been continuing arcs across more than 1 doctor (CYbermen and Daleks for instance, as well as other enemies from the original 26 season arc).

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Tonights Doctor Who was interesting (the last one before the mid season break, boo, hiss!) with some secrets shared, lots of drama, action and suspense. I'd already worked out the revelations that were revealed, but that didn't stop me from enjoying the episode. I am looking forward to the remaining 6 episodes in the Autumn.

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I grinned throughout most of this episode. It had a gleeful sense of anarchy about it, and it was great to see an episode from the villains' side as the Dr closes in on them. You do wonder why they don't pull the trigger when they have the chance, but if they did, this wouldn't be Dr Who, where the bad guys always, always, always hesitate. The Silurid and her maid were solid gold, and I would happily watch a whole episode with them in it. The final twist I should have seen coming, but still didn't, and it was a real kicker. The final reveal was nicely done, and I am glad that question has been answered at last. What it will all mean is anyone's guess, but it feels great to be in the middle of a Who golden age that has no signs of letting up.

That said, the Dr "rising higher than ever, before falling further than ever" never really lived up to its billing. Would have been better if they had left that out. Ecclestone's "Everybody lives!" worked so well because it wasn't foreshadowed.

And I lol'd at the title of the next episode. Which should really have been the title of the first ever episode of Who, although I expect the title is really a clue that the Dr will have to explain to Amy why, in reality, one cannot kill Hitler, even with a time machine.

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Must say I'm loving Matt Smith even moreso than Tennant probably, which surprised me. Still always going to have a soft spot for Peter Davison though - he killed the Dinosaurs!

Davros is awesome, or he was until his fart of a comeback. 'Here's Davros! But he's not going to do very much.....'

John Simm's Master was also awesome, and I really like the Silence. Got to be the creepiest DW monsters ever (aside from the Bertie Basset men of course)

Favourite episodes are probably either 'Genesis of the Daleks' or the last 3 eps of the 'new' season 3. (Utopia/The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords)

I must say, this series has been great (aside from the pirate episode). Moffat's the man.

edit: @ Sholto - come on man! Melody Pond?!?!?!? It was so obvious! I'm still in utter disbelief that they're actually going to call the next episode 'Let's Kill Hitler'. The more conservative of the viewers will be all over it like an angry rash, especially since there's been complaints about how dark this series has been already......

Edited by DangerousBeans
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edit: @ Sholto - come on man! Melody Pond?!?!?!? It was so obvious! I'm still in utter disbelief that they're actually going to call the next episode 'Let's Kill Hitler'. The more conservative of the viewers will be all over it like an angry rash, especially since there's been complaints about how dark this series has been already......
There are times when I like to take my writer hat off, ignore spoilers and just go with the flow and let it surprise me. Dr Who is one of those.

That episode name is internet troll bait at its finest. And they won't kill Hitler. Or they will, and then do it another hundred times for funsies, until they are having to devise ways to kill him with a stuffed unicorn and a bag of kibbled rice.

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Just a note UK guys and gals. The official US showing is week back at the moment so they won't see the last episode till Saturday unless they have other means of viewing.

Now Spoiler for a Good Man
















Okay I hate to rant more as I thought the episode was pretty awesome. I mean you can't go wrong with a Katana wielding Victorian Lesbian lizard woman and her hot sidekick.

My problem is it seemed like a rehash of what we have already seen in the new series, just this time half the characters that were the Doctors Allies were all new characters(With the exception of the WW2 planes in space and the Space Pirates)

1) Couldn't we have gotten at least one of the Tenant era companions to show up.

2) Wouldn't this gathering of allies worked better if it happened a series later and some of these characters could have shown up already.

















Although I think its already been guessed on this forum. River Song is Amy and Rory's daughter. Is anyone else a bit icked out by the whole making out with the Doctor(and probably much more based on her comments)?

Also so is the girl in the space suit Melody/River. If she was you would have to assume River would remember all this. Maybe Amy had twins? Can we hope the Doctor reboots the universe at the end of the series and there is no more River Song? Can we hope for episodes with the Victorian Lesbian Lizard Katana chick?

Again I didn't hate the episode, it was actually pretty good. Just not a fan of the whole River Song arc and I don't see it ending soon.

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That said, the Dr "rising higher than ever, before falling further than ever" never really lived up to its billing. Would have been better if they had left that out. Ecclestone's "Everybody lives!" worked so well because it wasn't foreshadowed

Yeah this irritated me to because honestly as far as spectacular things the doctor has done this was up there but not tops. Was the fall that he ended up not getting the baby. I mean that is bad in all but remember when Tenant went all crazy and decided he was a Lord of time and tried to change an event that couldn't be changed only for everyone to have died anyways.

Seems to me that was a much bigger rise and fall then this. Unless Smith is gonna fall further.

Man I must sound like a basement dwelling fanboy judging by how much I complain. I really do love the new series. Matt Smith has grown on me. Amy Pond honestly has become kinda boring but I love Rory.

I think I just want Doctor Who to stop being so dark and angsty for a season and instead bring back some mid 70's wackiness. Show needs more Venusian Akido, Girls in leopard skin bikinis(Victorian Katana wielding Lesbian Lizards and hotty side kicks in leopard skin bikinis would work too) and maybe another robot dog. :)

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Also so is the girl in the space suit Melody/River. If she was you would have to assume River would remember all this.

That was River/Melody in the space suit. In a episode last year River did mention that she once killed a great man and why she's now in prison. That murder was witnessed in The Impossible Astronaut at the start of this series. I do find it odd that she went on to marry the Doc though, lol.

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That was River/Melody in the space suit. In a episode last year River did mention that she once killed a great man and why she's now in prison. That murder was witnessed in The Impossible Astronaut at the start of this series. I do find it odd that she went on to marry the Doc though, lol.

But the problem was in the first episode this series she saw the space suit and was as baffled as everyone else.

Clearly she would have remembered all that.

Also who ever said she married the Doctor?

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Is anyone else a bit icked out by the whole making out with the Doctor(and probably much more based on her comments)?
Not really. Why? Just because the Doctor knew her when she was a baby?

Also so is the girl in the space suit Melody/River. If she was you would have to assume River would remember all this.
I don't buy any of the theories, and have to assume that Stephen Moffat is holding a few cards up his sleeve here. Was the dead Doctor a Ganger? Was it the real Doctor who was in the spacesuit? If it was River, she might have been made to forget what she did. You could go on and on. Personally, I would rather spend brain-time thinking about Amy flirting with herself in the Xmas special ;)

Can we hope for episodes with the Victorian Lesbian Lizard Katana chick?
Lord, I hope so :)

Again I didn't hate the episode, it was actually pretty good. Just not a fan of the whole River Song arc and I don't see it ending soon.
I like Alex Kingston, but I am with you. I clearly don't love the whole River Song arc as much as I am supposed to. Partly it is because it has gone on a long time without answers (until now), and during that time the situation has become awfully complicated. Relationships like the one between River and the Doctor cannot be as affecting when you have to keep working out which point in the timeline each of them is at, and so what each moment means to each of them. I have a brain the size of a planet, and even I get confused ;)
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