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Doctor Who

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Ok,As much as I do like david Tennant,I have to weigh in on the old doctor's here. The only problem is I don't know the name of the doctor...but he was the one with the multicolored scarf and curly blond hair. We all know you inevitably fall in love with your first Doctor Who,and he was mine.

For companions,I have to weigh in on the side of the new who,and go for Rose. She kicks much ass.

As for favorite monster,that would be the family of bounty hunters. The ones that went to 1900's england when he made himself human for a time. And of course the punishment he did to them,that just flat out rocked.

And as for favorite episode, That would have to be the one with the fight between the Dalek's and the Cybermen. mainly because of one line. "Cybermen are better then you in every way" "Analysis incorrect. Cybermen are better in only one way" "what way is that?" "You are better then us at dying!"

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Much love for Eccleston, but Smith steals it for me. Just seeing him when he's worked up about something, or making a stand. Though being completely honest, if he didn't have the awesome backing music made specifically for him then I think I might just throw my hat in for another Doctor.


I am the doctor[/ame]

Jack Harkness (earlier on) was easily one of the best companions. Though I do have a bit of a thing for Martha and Amy...

My favourite enemy just has to be The Master. I've loved every thing I've seen with him in it.

Episode: I really can't choose between "The Hollow Child" from Ecclestons series with the gas mask kid in WWII, where we first meet Jack, or the most recent finale. I think I have to give it to the finale, because there are so many things, like the Doctor challenging everyone on top of stonehenge, and the way he gets out of the pandorica (because he had already gotten out!) that, to me, are just the kind of crazy genius I expect to see from the Doctor.

Edited by Gladrocks
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It is programmes like Dr Who that are making the next generation of geeks out of wide-eyed 8-12 year olds, and long may it continue :) Tom Baker was my first love, Leela, Romana - ahh, the old school. I even named one of my kids after a character in Blake's 7, but the new Dr Who series are a step above the old ones. Possibly two. Tennant made him essential, and made me reconsider old Tom in a new light, and Matt Smith has done wonders with it. Can't wait for the next series to begin...

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Favourite Doctor: Silvester McKoy, though I also loved Tom Baker, and Tennent was not bad.. Oh I forgot Joanna Lumley's doctor that was quite good too

Favourite Companion: Ace, because she can make bombs out of anything.

Favourite Monster: The Kandy Man.. He's Berty Bassett went evil http://tardis.wikia.com/wiki/Kandy_Man

Favourite Episode: The Empty Child, that was just creepy.

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Tom Baker rules them all, but Jon Pertwee Dr. wins major points for keeping his classic car parked in the TARDIS. The only Dr. who diddn't have to hitch a ride.

The best companion Elisabeth Sladen and K-9 although Billie Piper gave her a good run.

The best villian Davros; I could just see him as a steampunk villian.

Favorite episode is Talons of Weng Chiang; great adventure story a good one liners.

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Favourite doctor has to be Tom Baker. Ultimate

Favourite assistant is definitely Amy Pond. (goes all dreamy eyed).

Favourite monsters...hmmm, so many candidates but I quite like the Cybermen.

Episode? Can't really say, i never remember the names lol!

And Red Dwarf Rocks (apart from the last series), and Blakes 7....thats a blast from the past!!

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David Tennant -> I love his dramatic reactions ... to well everything and his over-acting (if that is the right word) slays me =D

Companion -> None really stand out to me.

The Master -> Definitly my favorite enemy. Who doesn't love the evil over-lord/plan-master villain archtype.

Eppisode -> Probably the evil water on Mars special. Had me laughing through half of it and was like a great 80's campie movie.

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David Tennant -> I love his dramatic reactions ... to well everything and his over-acting (if that is the right word) slays me =D

Companion -> None really stand out to me.

The Master -> Definitly my favorite enemy. Who doesn't love the evil over-lord/plan-master villain archtype.

Eppisode -> Probably the evil water on Mars special. Had me laughing through half of it and was like a great 80's campie movie.

hehe! even my master thinks tennant is awesome! :D

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So what did everyone think of Saturdays Doctor Who? Spoilers below

I am mixed.

1) I dislike River Song. I hate the character and I hate the whole idea. I am a bit of a purest and I don't think the Doctor should really have a love interest and personally New Who seems to have one every season.

Plus River Song comes off to much like a Mary Sue character. She is better at everything then everyone. She is crazy good with a gun, she is smart, she can fly the Tardis better then the Doctor.

2) The Doctor basically turned the entire human race into killers subconsciously. It was a very un-Doctor like thing to do.

3) The cliff hanger from week 1 was almost completely ignored. And the pair of episodes left more questions then answers. I am hoping next weeks Pirate adventure is a nice stand alone episode. I don't mind an overarching plot for a season but I much prefer Davies way of smalls hints over Moffats bang you on the head style.

That being said I can't really hate Doctor Who. So it was still worth watching. I loved all the Nixon stuff and there were some really good moments. I just hope the season doesn't obsess over the magic time lord little girl to much. I want to see some good stand along stories.

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  • 3 weeks later...
And Captain jack is comming back

Is He? I kinda got the impression that Moffat wanted to leave all of Tenant and Eccelsons Companions behind. So he can cram in episode after episode of more River Fraken Song. Man I hate her.

Looking forward to the new Torchwood stuff on Starz. I here the last 5 part special was really good but I have not gotten around to watching it. Its on Netflix stream so I just need to convince my wife to watch it after we finish watching Babylon 5.

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