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Got it in one. They should be released in future book, in the same style as the gremlin "kin", meaning that other res masters will be able to get one or two, but a crew including Molly gets unlimited numbers of them.

But yeah, right now the only crew for molly is Rogue Necro, Sybelle, and lots of belles.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I am guessing a few horrors :)

He said when.:P: (wait a second, tadaka were you being punny?)

Well since it looks like they will still be releasing the rest of book 2 through the summer I would guess fall would be the earliest. Though if it was sooner the Wyrd boys would get my summer bonus.;) nudge nudge.

Molly's box will most likely contain the first book three models since there is nothing else to go in Molly's box.(totems are not included in any box yet and I don't think that is going to change here.)

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Book1 was released at Gencon two years ago, Book2 was released at Gencon last year.

I think we'll be seeing Book3 at this years Gencon.


Not every Book1 model was released before the release of Book2.. ;)

I am hoping for the same pattern but also want to be realistic due to the amount of book two models left to release are higher than the book one last year.

Wryd has been busy and personally I would rather see them do it right rather than fast. I love the fact they can admit when they make mistakes and correct them, but if it takes them a couple more months to play test the new book to get it right, I am all good with that.

But if it hits at Gencon I will be a happy boy.

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I can see them releasing both at gen con, playtest permitting of course.

I don't know where play testing stands but I would hope the teams are working hard at getting it right.(which I am sure they are.) Let's hope for a good year.

A side from that I know they can't say anything but keep up the good work play testers. I know you have a thankless job and get no recognition for what you do. But without you this game would be so broken no one would know Malifaux existed.

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I don't know where play testing stands but I would hope the teams are working hard at getting it right.(which I am sure they are.) Let's hope for a good year.

A side from that I know they can't say anything but keep up the good work play testers. I know you have a thankless job and get no recognition for what you do. But without you this game would be so broken no one would know Malifaux existed.

Oh yeah...you mean like...hmm


Just like to do that sometimes, I'm a real bastard. Not like those fake ones on TV.

But honestly, I agree...out of all of the miniature games I have played and witnessed, Malifaux seems to be shrugging of the symptoms of Codex creep quite well. We have a very competitive plethora of players and they are all very good at their respective masters. I guess my point is that most of the masters are very balanced and have ways to best each other where nobody has an overwhelming advantage above the others.

I do thank the playtesters and wonder who they are...I do have to give kudos to Wyrd though.

As for the Horrors...well I hope they make Molly more worthwhile.

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haha its ok as long as you don't say his name

while i'm not going to defend hamelin one bit, i will say something for play testing in general, for every game ever.

no matter how many playtesters you have and how good they are, nothing compares to releasing something to the general public. there just isn't a way to simulate thousands and 10s of thousands of players playing with every combination possible in play testing. so stuff comes out that doesn't come up in play testing.

that happens with every game. video games fix it pretty easily with a patch. most miniature games ignore those problems. wyrd fixes them.

(now you're going to say, "yeah but the hamelin stuff was obvious!" ... and well... that may be, but still ... just saying in general nothing beats the public for finding everything possible)

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I just like ruffling feathers sometimes.

I think Wyrd has done an amazing job.

My only criticism is that it seems, well bluntly put...they dont have their $#!t together. The rulebooks are...crazy haha

The first one had a lot of errors in it, they had to make an errata

Then an errata for that one, then the second book came out

The second one was less screwy with the terms and such but the rulings were crazy, the best way to get an answer is to come onto this forum and ask.

Hamelin was just the...beacon, I guess...with his Rule of Equivalency challenge as well as the "Who takes Priority" on abilities.

Now they have the baby rule book which didn't do very much. The diagrams are nice but most of it was already stated if you understood the second book.

On top of all this, they are working on Puppet Wars, and not only that, but a third rule book. With no clarifications on much of the things I have previously stated. It just seems like they should focus on one thing at a time.

Lastly, when we've had a problem (being the players at our LGS) we ask our question on here to hopefully get a response from Eric, Nathan, or any of the Rules Marshals. We get told that they're busy...I can understand that, running a company can be a pain...but some of us see them frequently "shooting the breeze" in the General channel posting silly things with no relevance at all.

This is just a collected opinion, I don't expect much and so far...they're doing pretty good.

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