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What themes/cultures would you like to see in Malifaux?


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(that aren't currently represented?)

Personally, with the inclusion of Japanese mythology/culture in the Resurrectionists, I'd love to see some Chinese mythology/culture in the game, especially since there's a heavy Chinese presence in the old West.

(say, a Chinese box for the Guild? :angel:/wishful thinking)

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I'd like Wyrd to make some real vampires so awesome that people cannot say they were Twilight inspired.

Also, I'd like to see arcanists get a master that wears a suit and carries a big gun.

Could be Hindu inspired Vampires, lead by Kali (Hindu god of death)

Also some sort of Australian dream walker, with possible nightmare summoning abilties

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I think a native american spirit speaker Arcanist Master would be cool.

Possibly a ..I don't know...Super Arcane gunsmith as a Master.

A Chinese Alchemist Master perhaps. Perhaps with a bodyguard with a Cho-Ku-No (Repeating crossbow). Make him based around buffing his minions and healing them.

Native American Storm Shaman,spirit of the Thunderbird type thing.

Ideas for Neverborn.

Spring Heeled Jack.

Peter Pan (like that one story did,that was awesome)

The headless Horseman (Think Sleepy Hollow with Johnny Depp)

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I think there are enough major themes to be getting on with already. However cool Hindu mythology is, I just feel we don't need to go there whilst there is still so much to be done with the themes already represented. I'm a big fan of Norse mythology too, but I just don't think it belongs in Malifaux.

I'd like to see the Wild West theme developed further - (Native American) Indians in particular feel like they are under represented, and as Hansel mentioned, there were a lot of Chinese in the old west which gives an opening into their rich mythology.

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Yeh I do agree, more could be done expanding the themes already in Malifaux. I do disagree on Norse not belonging in Malifaux, typical Norse yes, but all.

I would love to see a Valkyrie resser minion/henchman or even a master, the rest of the crew doesn't need to Norse based, but I think it will make a good addition to ressers. I would also love to see a Neverborn minion based on Jörmungandr

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(that aren't currently represented?)

Personally, with the inclusion of Japanese mythology/culture in the Resurrectionists, I'd love to see some Chinese mythology/culture in the game, especially since there's a heavy Chinese presence in the old West.

(say, a Chinese box for the Guild? :angel:/wishful thinking)

Actually the Ressurectionist culture is an Amalgam of Japanese, Chinese and Korean influences. They are all part of the Three Kingdoms I think.

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I guess Malifaux is such a crazy place, it wouldn't be too hard for them to introduce pretty much anything.

But I think the reason I'd like to see existing themes more thoroughly expanded is that it would allow for more variety in model choice whilst allowing your crew to remain coherant in terms of fluff/theme. If you just add more and more themes, you're left with a choice between playing with the same small subset of figures over and over, or having your crew be a hodgepodge of different themes.

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I would like to see an arcanist/outcast gang based on the circus/freak shows that would tour the boom towns in the old west. Some power hungry ring master magician leading them, there are tons of roles you could fill...

Strong man

Lion tamer +lion

Bearded lady

Tattooed person

Assistant in one of those 'saw in half' boxes (I can see that being very Malifaux)

Almost any interesting ethnicity with an exotic skill they have picked up.

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In this world: There is no China. Nor is there a Japan or Korea. Just saying.

The inclusion of Three Kingdoms master and minions in the Res, however, encompasses a lot of those cultural images.

I would like to see more of the Three Kingdoms, be it an alchemist tied to the Arcanists or Guild, or perhaps an Outcast triad gang. Anything would be interesting.

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still say, I'd like to see a 3 kingdoms themed arcanist crew, Lo-Pan or some sort of alchemist, with monks and ninjas, assassin-geishas

or a Nemo themed crew, could work for either Arcanists, or Outcasts, nemo, some crew, silurids, a bayou kraken, sharkmen and octo-mermaids, lots of water themed spells

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I would like to see an arcanist/outcast gang based on the circus/freak shows that would tour the boom towns in the old west. Some power hungry ring master magician leading them, there are tons of roles you could fill...

Strong man

Lion tamer +lion

Bearded lady

Tattooed person

Assistant in one of those 'saw in half' boxes (I can see that being very Malifaux)

Almost any interesting ethnicity with an exotic skill they have picked up.

^ Really like this idea.


Yakuza or Ninja/Samurai (more spirits for Kirai maybe?)

We have the Ice Queen (Rasputina), how about one for Fire, Earth, Wind, and Void/Death/whatever.

Some sort of revolutionary/anarchist anti-guild crew would be neat. Probably outcasts or arcanists.

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We have the Ice Queen (Rasputina), how about one for Fire,

Sonnia Criid




(working on it, but some of the Dev team doesn't like anything I've suggested....)

(in the meantime, we have lightningy stuff!)


and Void/Death/whatever.

Dude. Leveticus. Hello.....

Some sort of revolutionary/anarchist anti-guild crew would be neat. Probably outcasts or arcanists.

All of the Arcanists.

And Resurrectionists.

And Neverborn.

And most of the Outcasts.

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Sonnia Criid


(working on it, but some of the Dev team doesn't like anything I've suggested....)

(in the meantime, we have lightningy stuff!)


Dude. Leveticus. Hello.....

All of the Arcanists.

And Resurrectionists.

And Neverborn.

And most of the Outcasts.

Answer for everything, huh?

What about Heart!


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Some British Army chaps! Perhaps they are in Malifaux to hunt some Neverborn big game.

Maybe the ringmaster for the circus could have a load of birds perched on his arms? The bearded lady could be a werewolf? And could you work in some conjoined twins who can teleport?

No vested interest or anything :angel:Just saying...

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Sonnia Criid


(working on it, but some of the Dev team doesn't like anything I've suggested....)

(in the meantime, we have lightningy stuff!)


Dude. Leveticus. Hello.....

They may be representations of the element suggested and have very minor themes, but they are no means a crew based on and exclusively using that particular element, like Rasputina. She and her crew have a strong and very specific ice theme.

I think everyone else that read this knows what I meant.

Edited by hijynx
can't type today.
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Some British Army chaps! Perhaps they are in Malifaux to hunt some Neverborn big game.

Maybe the ringmaster for the circus could have a load of birds perched on his arms? The bearded lady could be a werewolf? And could you work in some conjoined twins who can teleport?

No vested interest or anything :angel:Just saying...

I would love to see that.

Your stories are fantastic.

They may be representations of the element suggested and have very minor themes, but they are no means a crew based on and exclusively using that particular element, like Rasputina. She and her crew have a strong and very specific ice theme.

I think everyone else that read this knows what I meant.

I think Sonnia has a pretty strong fire theme. Maybe no fire minions...but there are more books to come, and Sonnia didn't get much love in book 2.

How can you not see Leveticus/Hamelin as death/decay/the void? I think that's pretty clear.

Lilith as Earth though...I'm not seeing it. I'm with you there.

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