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Hi All,

My Name is Lucas however I'm known on most gaming forums I visit as Geist.

I have been following Wyrd miniatures for a time but have only picked up the odd mini here and there to add to my collection however I think very soon I'm going to try and get some people together and give the game a try.

In addition to just playing games I am also involved in running a website called Hand Cannon Online, were soon going to be expanding our content to cover games such as Malifaux and as such figured this was another good reason to come on and say hello.

while there is no Malifaux content on there as of yet we are hoping to start having some content for it starting in April.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to exploring this game :)


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Thanks Liono,

We really do hope we can start to provide the same quality information for Malifaux as we are currently providing for warmachine.

As im new to the game and the community I hope to find people who know the game very well and are interested in contributing :)

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None so far. I really like the look of Lady Justice? and the death marshal guild models.

Im wanting to figure out a second group, Im thinking maybe the show girls. :)

So I'll have a bit of stuff to pick up. the communities here in vancouver are pretty small and most just come out on occasion to play, I have the ability to turn my 4x6 foot kitchen table into a gaming table so id like to maybe make this more of a stay at home game.

It will also be fun to focus on just a few models and really work on the bases, and maybe a bit of conversion. :)


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None so far. I really like the look of Lady Justice? and the death marshal guild models.

Im wanting to figure out a second group, Im thinking maybe the show girls. :)

So I'll have a bit of stuff to pick up. the communities here in vancouver are pretty small and most just come out on occasion to play, I have the ability to turn my 4x6 foot kitchen table into a gaming table so id like to maybe make this more of a stay at home game.

It will also be fun to focus on just a few models and really work on the bases, and maybe a bit of conversion. :)


Hey Lucas,

IIRC you go to the Connections II store right? If so there are a few of us that come out off and on (I know Darren has been there quite a bit the last few weeks on Sundays).

I'm just by SFU but can travel a bit but I'm pretty busy during the week.

This weekend the WCP group (ran by me) run our monthy game day at a legion at 43rd and Fraser. I know that Darren and I will be bringing Malifaux stuff, and Mark and Chris P may be coming and bringing their stuff as well....

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