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The embarrassment amnesty thread.

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Don't get me started on the Judge Dredd movie lol!! As a 2000ad reader from the start, and still, that movie ripped apart what a Dredd movie should be and destroyed it.

Though I will admit, as a stand alone action movie, it is actually quite good! ;)

And I wasn't recriminating (?) at Karn before, I have plenty of guilty secrets! And Karn would crush me with his ball and chain!

Does anyone else like Glee? # hopes someone will agree #

I knew that, sorry. I should have put a smiley in there

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I also like REALLY bad vampire flicks (John Carpenter's Vampires is one of my favorites)

Staring the always inconsistent Daniel Baldwin...Man that movie is bad in a good way.

What is embarrassing about me.

1) Up until my mid 20s I was a RIFT and Palladium games fanboy. I owned every single Rifts book, all signed by Kevin Sembieda. Ironically for as much of a fan boy I was I never played or ran a Rifts game that went longer then 3 sessions.

2) I am such a Star Wars nerd that I named my son Han

3) Whenever I pass gas in my house I blame it on any person or creature smaller then me who can not defend themselves. My dog, my cat, my son. Whoever is a close is a scape goat.

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I really like the Gilmore girls television program.

I also have no clue what colours do or do not go together so my gf generally has to pick what I wear casually, as well as assist in colour choices when painting mini's

That was actually a really well written show.

Edit: Columbo was also awesome!

You should be ashamed of your shame of these things, because they're great.

Edited by Justin
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Lets see,I can sing along with multiple Aqua songs,not just Barbie Girl.

I liked all of the Resident evil movies.

For that matter,I have a fervent love of zombie movies,whether they are worthwhile or not. I not only sat through Zombiezz!!(think gangbangers and cops in a warehouse facing off against zombie homeless people created by a falling meteorite.)

I have turned a normal Lord Chompy bits via Greenstuff and plasticard into a refugee from a 80's Heavy metal album cover.Pics will be done as soon as its painted.

I also dress up in a Pirate hat and Pirate Garb and go Drinking and Wenching regularly at SCA events.

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I have ended up on a stage dancing to Barbi Girl with the band Chaos Engine. But I also dance to Britney, actually for a while Hit me Baby One More Time used to be my pulling song. But I'm not a bad dancer, and there is something about a large 6" tall goth dancing to Britney that just turns the girls on.

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I like and watch anime and have j pop songs on my iPod...

Also guilty...

I'm a dirty Chav :(

What is a Chav?

My secret shame...

I can recite Barbie Girl by Aqua off by heart, complete with voices.

Sorry, but if you went to highschool approximately 10 years ago, it is part of the Australian Education System indoctrination... someone, somewhere was singing it until it burned itself into your memory...

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What is a Chav?

It stands for "'Council House And Violent". Devvo the chav on youtube will explain it all mate, but I won't link it here because of swearing :)

My own embarrassing thing: Phil Collins is my favourite musician and has been since around the mid 80s.


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It stands for "'Council House And Violent". Devvo the chav on youtube will explain it all mate, but I won't link it here because of swearing :)

My own embarrassing thing: Phil Collins is my favourite musician and has been since around the mid 80s.


James wins....

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I have ended up on a stage dancing to Barbi Girl with the band Chaos Engine. But I also dance to Britney, actually for a while Hit me Baby One More Time used to be my pulling song. But I'm not a bad dancer, and there is something about a large 6" tall goth dancing to Britney that just turns the girls on.

6 inches tall!!! You are a big rat (or a very small human) ;)

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It stands for "'Council House And Violent". Devvo the chav on youtube will explain it all mate, but I won't link it here because of swearing :)

HA! this made me laugh! pretty much the truth... Well my friend called me an 'Alternate Chav' the other day... This is because I speak and act like a Chav and like the Chavvy music and even Chaved up my car. but I dress all alternative and a bit emo.

I'm a right catch me! :D

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I will go you one better Keltheos,Im a fan of many movies starring Wrestlers.

Everything from Hell comes to Frogtown and They Live to Just about everything starring the Rock,though primarily the Scorpion king.

I also occasionally do dress up in the armor and swing rattan around,but thats nothing to be embarrassed about lol.

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