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Building Hell – New Terrain Board


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I've started work on a rather ambitious 3'x3' board. It's intended for use with Hell Dorado but I've scaled it to 3'x3' so it can also work as a Malifaux board.

The basic idea is to create a rocky mountainous looking area with a dual waterfall. I'm going to keep track of my progress here.


I started with some randomly broken chunks of 3" insulation foam. After finding a configuration that worked I glued them in place.


The next step was to carve the foam with a dremel and glue sand and textured wallpaper in place.


Once that was dry I applied a layer of paint with primer built in. After it dried it made it easier to see spots that need more texture or some spackle to fill odd gaps.

Coming soon! A lake of skulls, and prepping for water effects.

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Thanks for uploading this in bit-by-bit. For someone who wants to build, but is intimidated by seeing just finished products, this is great to see it really in its in between phases. How do you get such good texture in the last pictures though?

Basically using textured wallpaper and a sand mixture secured with wood glue.

After that it's just a matter of drybrushing with several variations on warm and cool grays. After that's dried I use a water based wood stain and stipple everything. While it's still wet use a rag to blot up the stain and give a better texture.

There's a more detailed step-by-step on my site.

The technique is similar to faux finish painting you can don on your walls. You can also buy glazing medium to get a simialr effect. For most of my terrain I used house paint as a base and then use craft paint for detail work.

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  • 2 months later...
Very nice :D Was this hard to do? Will be using Water Effects for the first time soon, how did you get it to stay on the slope sections?

Used Clear Caulk to create the slopes, then poured thin sections of the water effect. It created a natural flow of the material for the most part.

I still need to go back in and use another product to create the rippled on top.

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Those are fantastic!

I've been following on your blog and have been wanting to do some of it myself.

My problem is finding the foam sheeting to use for it at a good price.

I guess that's one of the nice things about living in the Midwest. High density foam is readily available at Home Depot for $25-$50 for a 4'x8' sheet.

I've heard it's hard to come by on the west coast as well.

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Nice work with the water effects!

Did you plan the bubbles? Or did they simply occur when you pored?

I know I had a hellish time with bubbles when I did the demo board two years ago.

Didn't have too many issues with bubbles, a few on the first pour that corrected themself with the second.

The biggest complication was getting the Envirotex to flow evenly around the skulls.

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