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Do people play just one Faction?


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I have at the moment 2 factions looking at a 3rd my primary master is good old Levi and my back up is Lady Justice. I also have the Ortegas and looking forward to Hamlin when he hits the stores. The pull from the resurrectionists mainly Niko and maybe Kirai are a little hard to resist.

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I have all the Guild Masters and Models so far, and will collect all the Guild models in future releases. (also if a model has rare 2 I have two of them, across all factions/crews that I own!)

But I also have a master from Arcanists, Neverborn and now Outcasts. But I won't touch them filthy ressers, no-sir-eee!

So I have

G=4 (soon to be 5 when Hoff is released)





And seriously considering a second Outcasts crew (the Viks)!

I need a second job ;)

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I own a lot of Neverborn stuff and plan to get what I don't have already, but mostly play Som'er, Ophelia and Collette, with Lilith and Zoraida sort of trailing behind but still seeing the table often enough.

I've also got some stuff for Marcus, but rarely play him these days.

I don't see myself collecting another faction, but I've been thinking about a couple of other masters.

Sonnia or Kaeris, mainly, and McMourning could just sort of happen since I'll use him, the Nurses and Sebastian for Blood Bowl anyway. (McMourning and the Nurses as apothecaries, Sebastian as an Igor.)

So, I mainly stick with Neverborn and Gremlins, and apart from that it's individual crews that I like.

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I kind of try and spread myself out but make sure that they synergize together.

I got

Raspy(looked cool)

Kirai (also looked awesome)

Nico (brawling with Kirai and resser synergy)

Levi (undead synergy)

Ramos (arcanist and levi synergy)

This was so that I could get a good spread of gameplay types while also not having to get a lot of different models that I can only use with 1 master and might not even use all the time. So now every model I have can be used with at least 2 masters (except MZs, waifs, and Seishin)

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When official Organized Play arrives, there may be some special rewards for those players who have learned a little bit about winning with all 5 factions :D

SWEET! Now I actually have a reason to pick up Kirai other thN just "wow those models look cool an seem fun to play." :tongue2:

I currently only have 3 factions, with 3 Arcanist masters and only one each from Outcasts and Neverborn. But when Hoff releases I'll have 4.

I think it's best to have at least 2-3 Masters from one faction so that you have a little bit of room to customize for tournaments where you have to select a faction. But I'm enjoying learning the different playstyles for each faction.

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I've mostly stuck to Arcanists, plus the Viktorias (whose schtick is Mercenaries, which anyone can use). My plan is to move into Guild at some point, my next master will probably be C. Hoffman because of Ramos connections/figure reuse. My main opponent uses Ressers and Neverborn, so we'll cover pretty much everything between us.

However, I'm restraining myself from buying more until some of the Mountain Of Lead is painted.

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I currently have 9 masters across all the factions, 10 as soon as Hamelin arrives. I like having the option to just play what im in the mood to play. Plus i love the models and want to paint most of them, or i have an idea for a type of crew that just amuses me for some reason.

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I am using just Archaist at the moment Colette and Raspy, I have the Viki's cause they are great for teaching people. I will get Kearis when she comes out. After that I will have the casters I like from that faction so I am thinking I might go to Neverborn cause i really like lilith.

So at the moment I play 1 faction in the future I see having 2. Maybe 3 depending on what happens with the guild I don't like all the male models.

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