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What are some good comics to get into?

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I've been getting back into comics recently and on the look out for some new books. I generally like horror, post apocalyptic and weird stuff. To give you an idea my usual reading list is something like; Preacher, Walking Dead, Wastelands, Fables, The Goon, The Boys, Hellblazer and Y the Last Man. I've got little to no interest in superheros aside from the odd Batman (Joker, Arkham Asylum, etc). One off's or serials, no preference.

Picked up Garth Ennis's new one, 'Crossed'. Sad to say it's pretty poor.

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I've been getting back into comics recently and on the look out for some new books. I generally like horror, post apocalyptic and weird stuff. To give you an idea my usual reading list is something like; Preacher, Walking Dead, Wastelands, Fables, The Goon, The Boys, Hellblazer and Y the Last Man. I've got little to no interest in superheros aside from the odd Batman (Joker, Arkham Asylum, etc). One off's or serials, no preference.

Picked up Garth Ennis's new one, 'Crossed'. Sad to say it's pretty poor.

I really enjoyed Warren Ellis' Global Frequency series and Fell. Both collections of short stories. Global Frequency is about a rescue agency made up of 1001 specialists from all over the world, led by Miranda Zero and Aleph. the stories are all a bit wierd kind of reminiscent of the Outer Limits. Fell is about a detective who gets moved to a slum outside the city for some mistake.

Girls is also quite interesting. It's kind of a Zombie series. but with naked female aliens instead of the traditional zombies.

Oh and you have missed Transmetropolitan off your list. I think it's my favourite series ever. Spider Jeruselem is my Hero


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Definitely second all of Ratty's recommendations.

Would throw in Wormwood great horror comedy.

Sixth Gun a new series I think it is at issue 8, the first GN is very Malifaux-ish. Very good stuff.

JTHM by JV same guy who did Invader Zim, it is only in GN form right now it great for the demented mind.

I am currently subscribing to the current run of Deadpool, who is the only marvel superhero I follow, schizophrenic superhero what is not to love.

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For horror and weird stuff, I could highly recommend Locke and Key :


For more tongue in cheek horror, then I do enjoy a bit of Hack/Slash :


....although don't let some of the more vocal "Women in Malifaux" posters catch you reading it :)

And for a slightly more grown up post-apocalyptic vibe, then DMZ is also very good (although I am only a couple of books in and so cannot vouch for the whole series) :


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Definitely second all of Ratty's recommendations.

Would throw in Wormwood great horror comedy.

I didn't particularly like Wormwood. I don't know why. It just didn't do it for me.

Sixth Gun a new series I think it is at issue 8, the first GN is very Malifaux-ish. Very good stuff.

JTHM by JV same guy who did Invader Zim, it is only in GN form right now it great for the demented mind.

Love JTHM, I feel sick and Squee. What I love about IFS is that it slightly explains JTHM.

I am currently subscribing to the current run of Deadpool, who is the only marvel superhero I follow, schizophrenic superhero what is not to love.

I really enjoyed all the Punisher Max line. They are not really Superhero fare. Though I do believe that Dare Devil appear in one.. though it's one of my favourite bits so it doesn't offend me. Really very gritty and nasty.

Also really enjoyed the post civil war Thunderbolt novels by Warren Ellis. OK it's superheroes. But what not to love about a team of ex superviliians (including Bullseye and Venom) that have been rounded up and given the chance of redemption by catching Superheroes that refuse to register with the government.


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Sorry I should have mentioned I usually only buy trades, I find the monthlys too fiddly to take care of properly!

Have had Wormwood mentioned to me before, so I might check that out. I do love a little bit of Satan :)

@ Ratty, I'd completely forgotten about Transmetropolitan. Read the first book on a loan and rather enjoyed it so I think I'll give that another bash.

Also I'm going to investigate this Hack/Slash, sounds groovy :D

cheers guys!

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2000AD is the best set comic by a mile.

it has everything you want from dark horror to western apocalyptic themes.

great great stories in those pages

I too agree that 2000ad has the biggest mix of stories all under one roof, though I have to say (as a reader from issue 1) that it can be hit and miss. Also it may be hard for a new reader to jump on board with some stories that have been established for many years.

It may be worth trying the Graphic novel collections from 2000ad though: say Leviathan, for example...maybe Stickleback.

Though personally I would recommend the Strontium Dog volumes, and Dredd too. But they may not be to your liking!

And Hack/Slash......Definitely worth a read. Maybe not on the train though. ;)

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What about Sandman, hm?

and yes, Garth Ennis is a bit....weird, but love him

Sandman is good, I just suggested it to Hayzel who was looking for graphic novels with good female characters. Death has to be one of the most cool female characters ever written. I also recommended Lenore and I Feel Sick.

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If Hayzel is after graphic novels with Good female characters, she could try The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Admittedly there is only one female character of note, Nina, but she is a pivotal member, and its sort of steampunk Victoriana inspired.

And another vote for Sandman, though only in small doses!

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yep, it's very pretty. I read the original story it's based on when I was a kid, I loved Japanese mythology, well still do.

It's not quite Japanese mythology, but have you ever tried Lone Wolf and Cub ??

It is a little long winded and after book 18 do you start questioning whether there can be anyone left in Japan for him to kill, but the art work is beautiful, the story in places is truely touching and you learn a huge amount about Edo periods Japan. And it has sword fights. Lots and lots of cool swordfights :)

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It's not quite Japanese mythology, but have you ever tried Lone Wolf and Cub ??

It is a little long winded and after book 18 do you start questioning whether there can be anyone left in Japan for him to kill, but the art work is beautiful, the story in places is truely touching and you learn a huge amount about Edo periods Japan. And it has sword fights. Lots and lots of cool swordfights :)

Love the movies.. Especially White Heaven any movie that starts with ninjas on skis is cool.

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Picked up the first Hack/Slash omnibus and was DELIGHTED to find Chucky features in it! It's a bit more brain-fodder-y than I usually read but great fun. I'm now looking for models to convert into Cass and Vlad for use in Malifaux (as what yet I dunno, but I'll find something)

@ Sholto. I generally dislike borrowing comics, as if I like them I want to buy them but resent buying something I've already read. (excepting of course the sumptuous deluxe editions of Preacher :D) If you know what I mean. Cheers anyway. I've got the first two book but never got into it, I'll give it another shot.

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