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Changes in the new Rules Manual


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Did they clarify which actions require line of sight?

Pretty much, they just used what they had before. Target is the keyword and if something states "target" then it requires a target and thus LoS. The Target section now just calls it out specifically to make it 100% clear.

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Pretty much, they just used what they had before. Target is the keyword and if something states "target" then it requires a target and thus LoS. The Target section now just calls it out specifically to make it 100% clear.

That makes quite a difference with Kirai. Before because Spells only needed LoS to their target, Into the Spirit worlds only needed LoS to herself. If you now need LoS to anything with target keyword it means you need LoS to the spirit she's moving to which she never needed before.

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That makes quite a difference with Kirai. Before because Spells only needed LoS to their target, Into the Spirit worlds only needed LoS to herself. If you now need LoS to anything with target keyword it means you need LoS to the spirit she's moving to which she never needed before.

Don't have her wording infront of me, but I'll take your word on it. In the end it seems like it was always what it should have been.

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Don't have her wording infront of me, but I'll take your word on it. In the end it seems like it was always what it should have been.

possibly, but it seems weird when Swirling Spirits does not need LoS of any kind.

BTW this is a great change, it will make things much easier for new players to work out. There might just be a few models that don't quite work how they were intended anymore, but that's just a case of fixing them in an errata. I would rather have a solid core rules. It will make everything easier in the long run.

Edited by Ratty
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Yay for solid core rules! Now if only I could get hold of these new solid core rules, but for now I just need to be patient and lurk around until they are available to me. Hopefully this will be before next Friday because my LGS is having its end of the league tournament on that day.

I wonder if we will be using the old rules or the new rules which none of us are familiar with yet. Fortunately I won't be running Schrödinger's Leveticus. Will he be played as being living or non-living? Maybe I should ask the TO about this transitional state because it will be one way or the other at game time.


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Got the book, finally! :D

noticed that the supply wagon is now Ht 4. Is that intentional? That means I can 'hide' a rider behind it. Will look pretty odd on a 50mm base too. Should I pile up another dozen of corpses on that cart..?:surprised


by the way the manual looks awesome, LadyJ is a real badass, I demand a resculpt in this posture. Even I will buy the model if she's got such curves...

On the down side what the hell is that massive barcode doing on the back, covering up my lovely zombies? Is it some kind of regulation in the US that tells you how big the barcode have to be?

(yes, this was the only negative thing I could find about the book)

Edited by Talishko
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That makes quite a difference with Kirai. Before because Spells only needed LoS to their target, Into the Spirit worlds only needed LoS to herself. If you now need LoS to anything with target keyword it means you need LoS to the spirit she's moving to which she never needed before.

I don't have my book on me but ain't this spell target C thus she is the only thing you target? Wish I had the new book to look at.

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Anyone else notice that you can no longer activate any triggers from a disengaging strike?

Eh? Say what? That's goofy. Will have to look at it. Bit of a bummer though. Especially since most triggers require you to do damage anyways though. That's nice for Chompy foes though....at least if you try to run away, you only have to deal with one hit, instead of Onslaught, lol.

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nope until the new book Pandora could cast Dementia on herself or Seamus could cast Undead Psychosis on himself. Only Strikes could not target the acting model.

ask Woodchow he's bee campaigning for this for a while.

That still keeps the other, even more cheesy way legal: the one when you cast Dementia on Pandora with her totem... :(

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Can you still use the (1)Heal action during Slow to Die?

I sort of expected that to be removed, but maybe it haven't been.

Not only is the healing still in, but slow to die/heal is a bit better based on clarification/change. (I am still not clear if this was always the intention).

Now, if you are headshot or something along those lines, as long as you heal at least 1 wound during your slow to die you stay on the table.

No more headshot/disembowel on Collette or Von Schill in our group.

Also, Paralyze was changed/clarified in an interesting way. Now, when you are paralyzed out of turn, you forfeit your next activation. This means that on forfeited activation no effects for "start of activation" like Terrifying or poison will affect you.

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Not only is the healing still in, but slow to die/heal is a bit better based on clarification/change. (I am still not clear if this was always the intention).

Now, if you are headshot or something along those lines, as long as you heal at least 1 wound during your slow to die you stay on the table.

No more headshot/disembowel on Collette or Von Schill in our group.

Actually, only a model reduced to 0 Wd can be brought back from killed by healing Wd. Kill effects that don't cause wounds (Headshot, for example) can't be negated with healing.

Also, Paralyze was changed/clarified in an interesting way. Now, when you are paralyzed out of turn, you forfeit your next activation. This means that on forfeited activation no effects for "start of activation" like Terrifying or poison will affect you.


Edited by Keltheos
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Also, Paralyze was changed/clarified in an interesting way. Now, when you are paralyzed out of turn, you forfeit your next activation. This means that on forfeited activation no effects for "start of activation" like Terrifying or poison will affect you.

wow that is interesting. at least the poison counters don't go anywhere until you take wd. that could make a big difference for some schemes/strategies. if you try to take out a model with say a showgirl and her poison gift, now it takes 3 turns to do 7 wds instead of 2 turns.

Interesting. It also brings up some strange situations where you could try to paralyze your own models (if you have that ability) to keep them from dying to poison on say turn 6.

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