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Noob question: Perdita without Ortegas?


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Hi there, i'm new to the game and i'm gonna start a Guild band, and tho i like Perdita as a Master and a mini, i don't really like the rest of the Ortegas minis, so i was wondering: how viable is a band with Perdita as a Master and no other Ortegas? also, if i had to get only 1 or 2 other Ortegas, who would be a "must"?


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Perdita is widely considered one of the strongest masters (and single models) in the game, I wouldn't say that you 'need' other Family as such with her though bringing them does amplify their utility somewhat.

Alot of people would suggest you taking Nino, he's probably the strongest Family minion and commonly seen in LadyJ and Sonnia lists aswell.

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Perdita is a bit special master in the sense that she is very independent and has very few inbuilt synergies with other models. Essentially she is a solo Master who runs around the battlefield alone and shoots stuff to death, relying on her high stats and Wp immunity to keep her alive. Therefore she can work well with almost any other model.

Other family members share the Companion ability with her which allows multiple Ortegas to activate at once. She is completely viable even without any family support though. If you think you can live without Companion, other Ortegas are not a must in any way.

One model you definitely want to add is her Totem. It's very cheap at 2 SS and can cast Obey better than Perdita herself thanks to masked Ca. You can do wonders with granting extra actions to your minions. In a pinch it can provide a nasty surprise in melee.


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Wouldn't suggest it, but if you fancy the cowgirl theme, go ahead ;) Well only one of the Ronin are, but yeah..

I could think of worse combinations.


If you're just looking for melee grunts though, for efficiency you should rather consider the Witchlings.

Edited by Wodschow
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For that matter, you might also look at adding a Convict Gunslinger and Nino. (Gotta love Trigger Happy.)

I have to disagree here. Convict Gunslinger is a great model for any other Faction but not Guild. Santiago costs 1 more point and has all the cool things the Convict has(trigger happy, Paired, ranged). Plus more survivability, damage buffs and a Critical strike with a built in ram.

I really don't get why people ignore Santiago. Is it because he needs to be a little hurt to work at his best. Nino is good but if your enemy takes cover or just stays out of his sights he is basically out of the battle.

Santiago on the other hand has shorter ranged, but can also trigger happy, does more damage, gets buff when hurt, is hard to kill and get a free walk action when hurt. He just seems a lot more versatile then everyone's favorite Guild sniper.

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To echo Nilus, Santiago is my dog. When running with family, my auto includes are Nino and Santiago. I never, ever run the Convict Gunslinger in any Guild crew, ever. Even unwounded, Santi is still awesome and I've played many games where he never reached that "full potential" but still earned more than his points back. Paired Peacebringers with Rapid Fire is fantastic...."oops did I just turn your Killjoy into a fine red mist?"

For that matter, I never use any Outcasts with the Guild. The Guild has a great variety of minions to fill any hole, there is no need to go out of faction.

As for the OP, using a variety of the grunts might be the way to go. Witchlings for anti-magic and speed, Marshals for staying power, and Guard for stopping power. The Austringer is also not a bad choice and can do a poor-man's 'Companion' with his spell 'Deliver Orders'. With his ability to ignore LOS and cover and Perdita 'Bending Bullets', nothing is safe.

Edited by dgraz
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Doesn't Nino ignore cover?

I mean fully blocking cover...IE no LOS

Nino just doesn't have the movement to keep up with someone who is staying behind buildings. So he becomes effective at covering one good firing lane. If your opponent is smart then he avoids that like the plague and gets the job done.

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I mean fully blocking cover...IE no LOS

Nino just doesn't have the movement to keep up with someone who is staying behind buildings. So he becomes effective at covering one good firing lane. If your opponent is smart then he avoids that like the plague and gets the job done.

There are ways around this also. Family companion perdy, neph, or abuela with nino - obey him to walk into position then let him go.

Also, if you're hiding from Nino, what job are you getting done?

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The only family I would defiantly drop is Papa Loco, then add Abuela Ortega, she is very good with the family in my opinion.

Other than that I would consider dropping Fransisco (only because i believe a death marshal and a soul stone are better.)

But as far as Nino and Santiago go they are VERY solid and i wouldn't consider dropping them at all, and you gotta add some death marshals in the mix, they are the best four point models in the game.

Death marshals are nice with the family because if you family up and activate Abuela, Nino, Santigo and Perdita all at once and it falls through or didnt go as well as planned they give you a few activations to fall back on.

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I'v only ever played *against* Papa and, in my experience, he tends to kill more of his own men then the enemy. I'v seen him kill half his family in one turn, and I wasn't even controlling him.

That said, you don't need the family to get by. Perdida is 11 gallons of win in a ten gallon hat, and any allies you give her will work well. If you really get buzzed about theme and all that, you can get people wedded to her via Abuella (I'm a fan of Sammy).

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I also don't understand why Santiago isn't well liked by the members of the boards. He is obviously best if at 4 wounds but even above that he isn't bad at all. I often split my usual crew into 2 groups santiago, fransico, and abuela. And the executioner perdita and a stalker in the other with a guild austringer in the rear.

My list only brings two stones but with perdita having 3 ap and a walk of 6 I usually am not wanting for more. I try to keep abuela within 8" of the exe so on turn two I can shotgun wedding him. I don't often run nino anymore just because I have found I don't need him and a austringer is similiar too him but I save two points with an austringer.

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I agree with Odin, Santigo is a beast and you will not regret taking him... ever.

But i cant really get behind trading nino for an austringer.

I understand you save two points, but what your losing is damage, two really powerful triggers and the ability to family up... all of which I am more than happy to pay the extra two points for.

I know the austringer ignores line of sight, and yes that's really good but honestly if they are going to go through the trouble of moving their army so nino cant take a few shots at it that does not make him and less useful, just sit him by an objective (in cover preferably) and use him as a powerful deterant.

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im pritty sure the point of this thread was what things outside of family you would take in a perdita list;

i now that the executioner with amazing with her, tubby loves been obey'ed around,

her totem is an auto include for easier obeys,

peacekeepers are meant to be amazing not easy to kill and fast,

Samael has high damage but often requires babysitting because people now how high damage he has and how little survivability he has,

witchlings are awesome, and so are deathmarshals depending on which roll you want them for,

now family, i dislike ninos model but it does look a lot better if you base him as though he has a leg up on like a barrel or something and is well known and feared for his shooting.

loco, i just see him as a liability that wp its just too easy to abuse.

Fransco don't really like him, very fragile,

Santiago, iv underestimated him b4 and it nearly lost me the game, very good damage output + leadstrom is amazing

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If you are looking for a shooting model outside the family I would suggest either two death marshals or ryle, the guild pawn.

If you need melee support I know the executioner is popular but I personal don't like him, I will go the two extra points for Peacekeeper every time, he's got more wounds, he's got armour, an extra point of defence, with the ability to burn a card to walk he is really quick, I believe his damage output is a little higher...

basically they both have big targets on em, the difference is the Peacekeeper can take the damage and get into combat fast by essentially charging 13" with two inch reach.

And if all else fails he's got a gun with decent damage, a nice trigger to drag people closer, and it causes slow.

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