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Supply Wagon Strategy piece?


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One of the guys at our store was using something from (I think) the Lord of the Rings miniature game. Was more like a battering ram, but looked pretty good.

I actually just pulled this Strategy for the very first time last night (in like...30 some games, haha), so it also got me thinking about needing an actual wagon on a 50mm base for it. :)

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I'm not sure what style you are looking for. A lot of WW1/2 miniatures have wagons of sorts. (caissons, misc supplies, etc).

Even a mine cart would be useful. That's what the Showgirls used for smuggling in the sewers of Malifaux.

Cart w/Yoke (3ea) - 28mm

Opel Blitz 3-ton Truck (2x Resin) - I think this one is a 15mm Flames of War miniature.

Irregular Miniatures -- UK store and navigation is a nightmare. check under 25mm (mislabeled as 28mm) at the bottom, and "Siege Equipment, Wagons, Workers, Artillery etc" on the left.

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I'm planning to use this;


I figure it's ideal for Levi or any of the Ressers.

With the right paint job I figure it could be used for my Neverborn too, but this might be better;


For Arcanists or Guild, maybe something more like this?


And because it's on my mind, Marcus might like this;


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You should be able to buy miniature wagon wheels from most craft stores (Michael's, Hobby Lobby, etc). Try there first.

I'm using some wagons I got when I bought one of those old west towns off E-bay. It came in a kit with buildings, etc. I dropped the horses (since they don't fit on the 50 mm base) and just went with the wagon.

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Since the primary purpose for the settlement of the Malifaux world is to mine soul stones and a mining theme has been reproduced in a number of the factions, I believe that an ore cart fits that theme nicely. The carts are propelled by either steam power or magic or both.

The ore cart are from the 7th edition Warhammer Battle for Skull Pass boxed set. I was told that it is also available in the WFB Dwarf Miners kit. The shovels, hitches, and steering mechanisms come from an OOP 40K IG tank accessory sprue. The barrels are from Warhammer Ogre Bulls sprue. The packs come from the 40K Space Marine Attack Bike sprue.



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The ore cart are from the 7th edition Warhammer Battle for Skull Pass boxed set. I was told that it is also available in the WFB Dwarf Miners kit.

Indeed they are, I even think you get 1 for every 5 miners. So it's not even that expensive if you just want the carts, (Though any Dwarf player will probably give you them for free or a trade)

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Those wfb dwarf ones are very good! The thing I love about the objective markers in Malifaux is that you can find or make your own piece the way you see it fit your crew. I can imagine a stolen pump-cart struggling to go off the rails for gremlins, for example. I am using this model for my rezzers:


A nice little backup of 'building' material. :P

Edited by Talishko
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