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Kathie's Pandora Crew

Kathie v Vhoorl

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I finally finished some models. These are the first models I have painted in about 2 years.

Please give me advice and ideas. I really want to become a good painter and I am willing to try any techniques or ideas in order to improve my skills.

I love miniatures and gaming and have been playing Warhammer with borrowed armies for a few years now. One day I will paint up my own. This is my first "Army" for the Malifaux Game that is gaining interest locally.





A little about me: Way back (starting 3 years ago) I just painted some DnD minis for our roleplaying group's characters, as we needed them. I have never been very good, but have always wanted to be a skilled mini painter and converter. I have pestered everyone I know about tips on painting and techniques etc.

So please help out a beginner and give me your opinions and comments.

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Hiya.I think you mini's look fantastic.I wana gonna ask you what colours you used for the kids skin tones as im just starting my pandora crew.and also its kinda hard to give advice when I cant see any probs with your painting skill already.I've been painting for 18 years and m still learning lol.I got some pics in my albums on my profile.you could take a look at them and see if there is anything that you want me to tell you how i did it.other than that and lots of thin coats and practise or if you have anything specific you want some advice on.can't wait to see more of your stuff.

Tony :)

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The woes look great from what I can see, though I have echo the big hair comment. Did you mod that? I don't remember that being the hair style on the model? There is just something about the hair and how it is sitting that isn't working for me...

BTW love the bases, makes me thing of Alice in wonderland

Edited by elril
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It's funny, I started out the same way! But please don't say way back 3 years ago (where'd I leave my walker?) I like the fade on the green / blue. And the bases with all the little tentacles are great.

I also don't care for the big hair (unless she's going for an oscar in the 80's like Mel Gibson in Braveheart - big hair and short skirts :) )

I got some pics in my albums on my profile.you could take a look at them and see if there is anything that you want me to tell you how i did it.

This. Except my page is in my sig line which then leads to my photobucket page.

The only advice I can really give you on your quest to improve is Practice, practice, practice.

This is the best advice. Read, study and practice. It appears that you are solid on basics and your stuff is very clean - so you pay attention to detail - which is key. You just need to find and keep trying new techniques.

Happy painting!

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Thanks for all of the comments. I agree that the hair is too big. The model was slightly miscast on the head, so I decided to cover it up with green stuff and give her longer hair in the process. The hair was too "big" but I thought it might look better painted. Of course it looks just as bad painted. I thought about clipping it off and trying the greenstuff again, but I just wanted it to be finished at that point.

I do need to add some pupils on Pandora. I forgot about the avatar model, which will have the glowing eyes.

I may redo Pandora, but I hate to start her over again.

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Im with MonkeyKungFu and the rest, these do not look as though painted by a beginner. I would happily pay commission for models to this standard...

Just a few questions:

How did you achieve the flawless black and white tile pattern? I was attempting the same in my Pandora thread.

Also, how did you get the skin tones on the kids?

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TBH I've never been particualarly fond of the Pandora model. I've never been entirely sure why, it's something to do with the pose, or the material or something. Anyhow she already looks like an 80s clubber in my opinion so I really have no issue with the hair being huge. Actually I think your paint job is my favourite. Possibly because the hair drags my eyes away from the bits I don't like.

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@Avatarform: The tiles were already embossed onto the plastic sheeting. All I had to do was paint inside the lines :).

The skin is simple. Tallarn flesh base. 50-50 tallarn and elfic flesh then pure elfic flesh. Just layered on there, one coat each.

Thanks Katie.

However, to clarify my previous question RE: Tiles.

I realise that you can get Woodland Scenix tiled plasticard. I use it in my own dioramas. However, I was wondering what recipe you painted the black and white. I cannot seriously be just black on the black tiels and white on the white.

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