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New Years Eve!

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I've basically been drunk or asleep since xmas eve, completely worn out at this point. I swear I must have drank my wieght in Guinness and Whiskey twice over! Never-the-less, up to my mate's house for a semi-civilised evening of food and drunken frivolity before staggering home at some god-awful hour in the morning and collapsing into a booze-coma for 12 hours.

I think my g/f's doing family stuff tomorrow so hopefully then I'll get to sit back, relax, paint some models and get stuck into the latest series of Doctor Who what I bought myself for xmas :D

Happy Hogmany everyone!

Edited by DangerousBeans
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It just goes on and on and on and on and on and on and then nothing happens for ages and when , finally, someone does win everyone's too tired/bored/suicidal to care! Plus, a real estate game? Really? Give me monsters/zombies/anything beating the crap out of each other any day!

On a side note I just uncorked my 1/4 cask Islay single malt and cranked up Meatloaf while awaiting company, let the festivities begin! Cheers everyone!

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Went to the Botany Bay fireworks last night (good for kids as they start at 9pm) which went for 20 minutes straight off two barges, & was spektarkle (even though I am a fireworks cynic).

Then got home in time to put 11yo to bed & watch the Sydney Harbour midnight fireworks on the tube.

Am about to take son to Cronulla Beach (10 minute drive from here) before the serious heat kicks in, and will then sit back/ relax/ & continue painting Nightmares.

Happy Nude Ear, y'all!


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iam just home from my newyears eve party,

i had a blast!

we played, in that order, ticket to ride, munchkin (with 6 expansions), ninka burger (i won after defeating the tied ninja for highest honour in single combat!) and finally kolonisten van cathan

we were with 4 in total and everybody won one game, perfect to start off the new year! :D

now to try to slumber 6 hours till i need to visit my dad :(

he better have a nice pressie and some cash!

night (morning) all! and a happy new year!

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I had a pleasant time, saw a lot of people I haven't seen for ages.

Had a couch day on New Years Day and watched Cats & Dogs (so cute!), the Shining and lots of Father Ted and Frasier while wolfing down huge quantities of chips, pizza, chocolate, jellybeans, toast, tea, coffee, juice, biscuits and cake :D

And now some time to paint. Delightful.

Happy 2011 everyone! Let's hope everyone's screamings of "DDDDDDDDDOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!" don't come to pass!


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