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Tiny's Trip around Malifaux


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Hey guys had to work over the weekend so painting was a little slow plus bette is basically 2 models tapped together. Must say some of the best blending ive done from the red to the coal black on bette's dress. Photos came out horribly because its about to pour down.

Here they are anyway great model:





Next up is either molly or sybelle.

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  • 2 months later...

here's my latest project 19 models of brutal(the kirai crew in total)!


Seishin first. Not real sure on the colour still not sure if flaming hair is too cheesy? I plan to have the blue blend into what is on the ground where i base them. Either that or have it all blend to almost a white to make them more ethereal.


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  • 4 months later...
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  • 1 month later...

I like the unifying color you have on each model. At least a tiny bit on each model really makes the crew seem like a 'crew" I think. What color is that ? the teal? I'm not certain of the color you used and don't know if the photo is distorting the tone of it but it looks like a teal to me. Just curious and I think it is a very nice color that "pops" for these models.

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@Nemissary, cheers! The teal colour (on the pipes and eyes etc) is a p3 colour meredius blue. I've had it all through my ressers as the glow, i figured early that i was gonna make the colour for resser magic, so if something glows or if there is a vial of something it'll be that colour (the eyes of the hanged coming up for example). Also i try to put a bit of p3 coal black into the models as well to unify, plus i love the colour!

@RagingRodian, well you're gremlins will be happy to know that i've got a 5th on the way, the one from the new McM plastic box set!

And here's what i've been working on all finished up (excuse the drying pva glue on the leaf scatter).


Next up not sure whether to go crooked men or necro punks will see shortly what talks to me!

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