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Rulebook and Errata


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Hello All,

I'm new here (1st post!). I bought myself a McMourning box about 10 months ago, which due to moving house etc. is still unpainted. Plus one of the nurses was damaged right out of the box, and I got no joy from customer services. I must admit this put me off of the game for a long while, as the £20 I spent is a big chunk of money to me.

Anyway, lately my interest in Malifaux has been growing again. I've resculpted a new syringe onto the damaged nurse, and have been adding scenic bases. I have a few questions on the book before I spend any more on the game.

What's the quality of the book (binding etc.)? Is there a second printing including fixes from the (apparently large) errata?



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I have had my rule book since the day you could by them(Technically the night before it went on sale to the public) and its held together well. And that is with regularly weekly use.

As far as the Errata. I believe the 2nd printing had a few changes made in it but must of the Errata is not in the current rule book.

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Sorry to hear about your poor experience Ringo. Personally I've had nothing but good experiences with Wyrd... can't believe this is anything but a fluke.

The rulebooks are extremely high quality and hold up much better than say a GW Codex. Mine get abused on a daily basis with three (!) Malifaux players in the house manhandling them. The paper is high gloss and thick, and most pages have full color illustrations on them too.

Malifaux is a great game with a lot of character and gameplay depth. Don't let one bad experience put you off.

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Sorry, we've gone off topic here. I was mainly enquiring as to the quality of the rulebook (both content and manufacture).

The manufacturing of the book is exceptional, as people have already attested to.

As for the content well that varies.

The layout of the book is wonderful at first sight, separating the rules by story. A great pace of the book the first time reading through it. However as you start to play and need to reference the rules (which you will have to do a lot) it becomes quite annoying having to flip through sections to find where the correct rules are. I suggest either adding sticky tabs or memorizing the pages.

The story is pretty decent, the world a fun fresh take on our own various mythology and stories.

The game pieces are generally well balanced, only about 1/4 of them will never see the table competitively which is a very high rate in miniature gaming. Their abilities are pretty unique and innovative.

However, I'm a miniature gaming veteran and have played this game for a little over a year now and I still spend about as much time playing as I do looking up rules while playing. They are pretty poorly written and organized. Not having a index really hurts starting out. Various rules general and model specific simply don't function as written and others, especially in book two, are flat out wrong. But if your gaming group doesn't care about official rules and are fine just house ruling things as you go; then this won't be much of a problem. If your group is more competitive and/or very adamant about official rulings this could create a large problem though.

In theory a errata is coming out soon...but they people who know aren't sharing so...

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Unfortunetly I find my self agreeing with zethal.

Malifaux is at its best in the story and intresting charicter department. This is the first game put out by wyrd and in some areas it shows. I for one am sad they are looking at a book 3 all ready. More models is great but given the flaws in the first 2 books I hope they take the time to set the book down give it a good hard look and say is this realy ready to go out?

For example the dreamer. This guy is amazing idea from a fluff and fun standpoint. Wonderfull idea in every way. When you get down to the rules on how the 2 masters work I honesly have to question if any one ever playtested him. Every game I have played with him has been question after question on how he works out.

That being said I love the game and hope it makes a very long run in the gameing world. They have a wonderful IP hopefully they can bring the rules/bok up to speed with the wonderfull world they have made.

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