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Painting with the speed of a thousand dead courtesans in stasis chambers


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Slowly begun working on aSeamus base...

It's fun mixed with anxiety, because I also want to start working on him, while I enjoy fiddling with his base!

Had a very similar problem on mine, unfortunately I ended up rushing things and had to strip him (lots of anxiety because I have never stripped resin before) and re-prime. Dont rush things.

This is the second time I have had the fuzzy issues with my White Duplicolor Sandable primer (damn New Orleans 1000% percent humidity and 90+ temps at 7:30 pm). Thought it would be fine because the Black Duplicolor Sandable primer I also used went on Sonnia so well (under the same exact conditions). Oh well he looks better primed in black anyways...

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Had a very similar problem on mine, unfortunately I ended up rushing things and had to strip him (lots of anxiety because I have never stripped resin before) and re-prime. Dont rush things.

This is the second time I have had the fuzzy issues with my White Duplicolor Sandable primer (damn New Orleans 1000% percent humidity and 90+ temps at 7:30 pm). Thought it would be fine because the Black Duplicolor Sandable primer I also used went on Sonnia so well (under the same exact conditions). Oh well he looks better primed in black anyways...

That sounds...terrible! How has he come along after the little "disaster"?

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I'm seeing tons of red X's for your pics, have you lost the host area?

Love the aSeamus base. Did he get his head smacked against the wall and drop his pistol right before transportation? (e.g. "don't hurt me, you won't like me when I'm angry...") OR is that someone's very large intestines thrown over the wall like that?

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Fantstic work, just beautiful :congrats:


I'm seeing tons of red X's for your pics, have you lost the host area?

Hmm, strange. I browsed the first page, and it seems to be working fine now. Still having issues?

Love the aSeamus base. Did he get his head smacked against the wall and drop his pistol right before transportation? (e.g. "don't hurt me, you won't like me when I'm angry...") OR is that someone's very large intestines thrown over the wall like that?

Thank you :)

Well, someone got his head smacked, probably a guild guard...But I'm liking the hulk idea as well! Initially I had hoped for a body beneath the face-smacking-spot, but couldn't get my hands on one quick enough (bodies are so hard to come by these days...), so I' settled with a castaway pistol instead. If I manage to fix a body, there's space on his base for future additions, I guess.

ALSO that is someones intestines thrown about to make the place all that extra dreadful.

nice work


Brilliant, I really like the Zombie prostitute poster smile.gif


The zombie poster ones are from some thread, waaay back. Don't recall who made them, but they were too lovely to not use. If you forum search for something like "posters" I'm sure you'll find a few more.

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Nice work on aSeamus


wow love the poster too, how did you print them off, laser or inkjet printer; normal paper?

I'd like to start doing things like this.


I used a color laser printer, standard office one with standard paper. Glued them onto the wall with RX glue and then gave them a very light wash of Devlan Mud to make them "blend" a bit better.

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Hey great job on A-Seamus, the posters and wall are a very nice touch. He definately compliments a nice scenic touch.

That sounds...terrible! How has he come along after the little "disaster"?

As for how well mine has recovered from his primer accident, Here is the thread for mine (dont want to steal your thunder afterall).

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  • 2 weeks later...
Lovely on both models. The Nurse is delightfully naughty looking. And I am very impressed by the grey skin on A-Seamus, How did you pull it off?


The one thing that irked me about the nurse was where her eyes were set. It made her look a bit odd, but I tried to make the eyes as good as possible, even though one has a "horisontal feel" and one has an "asian feel"... If that's making any sense. Nevertheless, I'm sure I've offended someone with that comment.

Regarding the skin on aSeamus, I mainly use Reaper triads when painting, so his skin was:

Ghoul skin for shadow, Moldy skin for base and Bloodless skin for highlights. In some creaks (like above his collarbones) I added some black to the Ghoul skin for even more shadow, but mainly it was just a bunch of blending between the three main colors. Reaper paints are grand like that.

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It’s been almost a year since I purchased my first box of Malifaux, the Redchapel gang. From there it sort of just rolled on, and the combination of Malifaux’ great ruleset, awesome fluff and cozy models have left me yearning for more.

So, in loving memory of all the hours lost to painting, here's the lot so far:

Seamus the Mad Hatter and his Redchapel Gang


Douglas McMourning’s Body Thieves


Sonnia Criid's Witch Hunters


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