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Saje's Spirits of Vengeance


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So i've started painting my new spirits of vengeance box, i've decided to go with a slightly different feel.

My brief to myself was i wanted to stick to a limited black/white/grey pallette with a few spot colours thrown in there. Whilst researching how to paint Kirai's kimono, i struck upon a brilliant idea... What if Kirai was a Geisha?


now you'll have to excuse the poor photography skills, i really really tried.

I've also been working on Datsue-Ba, but he's not completely finished yet. i also have not decided on a basing scheme, so none of my models are based, which is unusual for me. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

comments, critiques and general encouragement are all welcome!

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As you already said, the picture is not the best, and so we cannot perceive all the details but I must tell you that I like what I see!

I've got an idea for your bases; as they're spirits of vengeance, and you started with a pretty gore Kirai, what about really blooth bath bases? If you have read Rising Power's Kirai's histories you should know how frenzied and raged she can grow on her enemies, so I'd go with cercenated limbs and heads, all well covered in blood.

After all, you're heading for a different approach on her!!

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This is going to be interesting. You are going for a very different colour scheme to me, mine a very colourful as I'm heavily influenced by Ghibli's spirits and Kabuki. So it will be a really cool contrast. I agree with the blood bath bases. you could build up a film of blood by mixing water effect and Baal red wash and layering it up.

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One small issue, and I only noticed it as I've just spent the last hour staring at the model trying to work out how the kimono works*, is the shawl does not continue below the arms. The final fold on the right of the picture should be white as it's the continuation of the shawl. Can't see the other side but I guess you might have missed it too.

BTW the colours are spot on. Black on it's own signifies darkness and evil, but combined with white is funeral attire.

*OK tearing my hair out, with my girlfriend trying to find pictures of traditional kimonos.

Edited by Ratty
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If you're having trouble with the photography, cool mini or not has some great tutorials. It made a huge difference in my photography.

See I used to have this awesome camera, which took awesome picture of my models. Superb pictures. But the wife took it in the divorce. So I bought myself a new one, made sure it had macro and everything and no matter what I do I can't get it to focus on the little buggers! I don't like it. I'm considering taking it back.

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See I used to have this awesome camera, which took awesome picture of my models. Superb pictures. But the wife took it in the divorce. So I bought myself a new one, made sure it had macro and everything and no matter what I do I can't get it to focus on the little buggers! I don't like it. I'm considering taking it back.

try using a tripod and putting it on delay so you don't get any shake. Use the biggest aperture possible and don't zoom all the way in, this will give parallel light rays that will give you better depth of field.

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See I used to have this awesome camera, which took awesome picture of my models. Superb pictures. But the wife took it in the divorce. So I bought myself a new one, made sure it had macro and everything and no matter what I do I can't get it to focus on the little buggers! I don't like it. I'm considering taking it back.

Would bet that your current problem is to much direct lighting on the model. Most resonably priced cameras are going to have problems with auto focusing in Macro mode with that palete and that much light. Try a light box, it will produce a more diffuse light which should be easier for your camera's sensor to pickup. I had a similar problem on some of my models.

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