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Rackham new releases


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Hi everyone, besides the fact that i know that a lot of gamers hate the pre-painted minis, i still like the at-43 game.

There is a ton of new releases announced for the next 6 months, army boxes, new rulebook and other stuff, does anyone have info on the new Krygs army and release dates? thanks in advance.

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for some reason I thought Rackham was going under or some such.

It probably has something to do with Rackham not doing ANYTHING on their website for nearly 2-3 months. Not answering questions, posting information, or virtually communication in any sense of the word.

Add that to the fact they have been extremely flighty with their business direction over the past 3-4 years and have been at best a joke of a company...its completely valid to assume they had completely tanked.

Oh, how the mighty have fallen...

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The boardgame Rush and Crush is pretty fun. Thing Formula D crosses with car wars. Essentially its a fast paced race with armed cars. Games are pretty short so you can get a few in. Rules arn't that complicated either.

Yeah Rackhams rules have always had a bit of confusion tied to them for a lot of people. I think being dyslexic has actually helped me when it comes to their rules. Being all originally written in french the noun verb order tends to be muked up. Since I have to rearange what I read anyway becouse I flip it about when I do, it has never been confusing to me.

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Conf 3.5 was one of the best rulesets i've ever played!

to think that they were replaced with that terrible Age Of Battle set and the insulting Warpack rules makes me shudder!

combined with fantastic miniatures, the company was growing in leaps and bounds.. then they kicked their fanbase inna 'nads, destroyed the moulds to stop sale of metals and focused on PPP :(

The quality is getting better; those Wolfen Vestals are all manner of Pap, but it seems everything except AT-43 has been forgotten. was eagerly awaiting the new Ghouls but none in sight :(

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Rush`n crush is a great game, i am building my custom made board with micromachines like the movie deathrace, rackham is in a strange mood since the new management arrive, but they have new releases constantly, they announced a new army called Krygs and a new rulebook, but they do not specify release dates or any other info.

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combined with fantastic miniatures, the company was growing in leaps and bounds.. then they kicked their fanbase inna 'nads, destroyed the moulds to stop sale of metals and focused on PPP :(

I never played Conf, I only drooled over the minis I could not afford as a kid. Then when I could afford them, they were OOP.

I now own almost every Confrontation sculpt, including some beta sculpts and ltd editions.

The pride of my Collections are the Titan Dragon and Tarascus... Im building up the courage to unbox them and paint them this Xmas hols.

However, Rackham did not destroy the moulds. The foundry did... something to do with costs and a breakdown in negotiations...

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Honstly the painting is pretty good for an army scale game. some of the AVF's are pretty tricked out.

However, just think of them as pre primed. The models are very excellent. The style of paint/sealent they use can be painted right over or stripped off with good old simple green. I've painted up a few of them myself. (Red Blok Army box contents where horrible.)

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I now own almost every Confrontation sculpt, including some beta sculpts and ltd editions.
Cool! What do you call beta sculpts though?

However, Rackham did not destroy the moulds. The foundry did... something to do with costs and a breakdown in negotiations...
The moulds thing is the kind of story that seems to confuse a lot of people. Moulds wear out very fast and have to be replaced often, so discarding (or "destroying" for added theatrics) is nothing special. In particular it doesn't prevent future production of the model at all.

Had they destroyed the greens and the masters, then that would mean they cannot generate moulds any longer, and therefore cannot cast the miniatures ever again. However this is not something they'll ever do given how valuable greens and masters are (even now for them since they convert some of the old masters to produce new PPP models).

As for the foundry story, I'd be curious to hear more about it. Rackham had their own foundry, and, like I said above, it wouldn't matter nor mean anything if the guys working there had "destroyed" moulds. But since they were Rackham employees, I don't get the costs and negotiation issue. My understanding is that it was just a part of Rackham that got shut down (for the most part) when money started to run low.

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Cool! What do you call beta sculpts though?

Beta = alternate limited run or event only sculpts. I have about 20 and they are worth quite a bit... hence, they are staying in their blisters until I decide what to do with them.

I think your theory about the sculpts/moulds is more believable than the one going around and the one recounted to me by my FLGS.

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Best news I have heard all year!

i'm in two minds.. apparently there's talk of the Aarklash lines being picked up.. which would be nice (bring back 3.5!) :D

Now my collection (and duplicates) are worth much more


... even when compared to the crap forgeries on Ebay (Rackham minis being sold by a Chinese company with NO BOX and quantities of 'more than 10')

not a fan when combined with rampant profiteering; if its a recast of an OOP mini, fine. but to charge double he price of the original when new? not so fine!

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No longer a rumor. Rackham is in liquidation.

Rackham Entertainment liquidation confirmed

Gregoire Boisbelaud from Rackham Entertainment has confirmed that the company is in liquidation.

From their announcement:

Rackham-E as a company is gone into a liquidation procedure starting yesterday afternoon.

I announce it to you officially first, but a blog will be posted soon too. I just wanted to let you know first hand, as you deserved it.

I wish to thank all of you for your continuous support, your interest in our games and your devotion to the communities at large. It was a pleasure to work with you and for you, even so briefly.

I know I’ll meet some of you on other forums, other websites and other conventions and shows.

If the company dies, the games still have a chance to endure. Discussions are going their way with several partners, old ones and news ones alike, in order to save the licences and games attached to these.

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