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Green Stuff


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I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this but oh well.

I really like modifying my minis, though I seem to usually run into problems when using green stuff. I always run into the problem though that the green stuff sticks to my tools and so I can't smooth it out or get the designing that I want.

Does anyone know any tips, blogs, or videos that may be able to help me out?

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Water works, and so do water-based "personal lubricants" (wink wink nudge nudge).

I prefer KY over petroleum jelly because its easier to clean up.

If you use anything that isn't water, make sure you clean the mini after it dries but before you try and add more, otherwise it won't stick. And also clean it before painting.

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GirlPainting did a "

" YouTube tutorial using water to keep her tools from sticking. She gives some other tips on working with Green Stuff in the beginning and near the end.

I have no idea what kind of modifications you want to make but using Green Stuff on a base is rather common so I thought it would make a good example.

??? "Post Quick Reply" and "Go Advanced". . . What? No preview button?

Edited by MrNybbles
I didn't want to embed the video!!!
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I have yet to find anything that works as well as saliva. I mean it cant be healthy but I have read several articles from sculptures who do it.

That being said experimenting with the ratio of blue to green and also curing times can change it drastically. I find that using green stuff that I have frozen and then thawed out is not as sticky.

Also I don’t really recommend Vaseline as if you attempt to add additional details it can be a pain to get it to stick to areas you have used the Vaseline on.

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So a little while back i decided to experiment with greenstuff and sculpting a mini ( my samurai jack WACHA) and experimenting with bases. Anyway this is what i learned!

1: saliva is awsome and gets the stick away. Water is good for smoothing out large areas and the initial mixing of the green stuff.

2: always use less than you think you need. You can always go back and add more if you need too.

3: always work your greenstuff in the same direction. This gives it a uniform composition and lets it perform better.

4: Push and pull is the name of the game, not hack and carve

5: when you have a large area that needs to be solid with little detail add more blue to the mix, when you need detail add more yellow. The blue will firm it up when working with it and the yellow will make it more maliable.

6: keep that stuff working. keep working and smoothing the green stuff area you do for at least 20-40 minutes. This will keep it from losing its shape or detail and allow you a little more controll.

7: Dont try to do too much too fast. patience is golden

8: there are ALOT of great tutorials on the web for hair, fur and armor. and honestly, everything else. it is very helpful to see the step by step process that happens for specific things. and a little bit of forsight into the technique iwll go along way.

9: finally know what you want to do before you do it, sketch it or something cause if you dont know what its gonna look like you probably wont be able to sculpt it.

Hope that helps,


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To be honest, when I work with green stuff, I don't use anything to prevent the tackiness. I find that a pin and fingernail working in harmony can mold it as desired with a bit of effort- and also, the natural oils in your fingers helps if you want to smooth a part out. :) I just got some pictures taken with some greenstuff-sculpted bases, if you'd like to see I'll be posting them in the model showcase section shortly.

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