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Dark Eldar are here.

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Yep, I saw this earlier too. Looks like my evil skimmer force of lance doom will be getting an update after all.

It may be too late to draw me back in. I still have my Wych cult of space marine death and I will definately be buying the codex upon release though.

It would have to be pretty special to draw me away from Malifaux, and to a lesser extent Warmachine, now.

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Somewhat interesting. Although looking through the site i see they now have plastic Pink Horror boxes. Plastic kits that are comparitively economical (and practical) to the old metal kits... cool models to boot.

Dark Eldar?

Duke Nukem Forever?

Is the universe collapsing?

DNF will release Dec 22nd, 2012... and yes, the world will end on the 21st. Edited by ddot
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I quit 40k a long time ago but I can't believe they're actually paying some attention to Dark Eldar. What's it been, about ten years?

Come November, it will be 12 years exactly.

Meanwhile there's been two chaos codices!

Three, actually. The first was about as lame as the DE pamphlet (let's face it, it's not a real codex), the second was cheese incarnate, and the third is quite good but people don't like it because they miss their cheese (but that's another story ;) ).

And two Guard if I'm not mistaken. That's pathetic.

I'm pretty sure it's three. There was the IG "Pamphlet", the Codex with Doctrines, and the current version. If you also include the Catachan Codex and the Cadian "eye of terror" lists, that brings it to five.

I hear Necrons are getting a giant Necron, that could be very cool indeed!

Necrons are rumoured to be after Dark Eldar. Together with the Dark Eldar and the Inquisition books, they're the only armies to have seen one Codex release over the last 12 years (Dark Eldar being the oldest and the only one still in the maligned 'pamphlet' format).

It may be too late to draw me back in. I still have my Wych cult of space marine death and I will definately be buying the codex upon release though.

I'm very much in the same boat. The utter lack of support from GW for the Dark Eldar more or less killed my interest in seeing a new codex. I've since moved onto other armies and other game systems. Like Chucklemonkey I'll almost certainly buy the codex, but whether it's enough for me to pull my Dark Eldar out of retirement remains to be seen.

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I really wish they's release something more akin to 2nd edition (even as an expansion or something). I could see myself sucking it up to play that. The current game seems so random, it's hard to plan anything at all. And for the recond - BANSHEES SHOULD NOT MOVE THE SAME DISTANCE AS TERMINATORS! Hell, even their "fleet" rule means they may only move an extra 1" a turn - far too random a system to properly strategise with.

And for the record I didn't play Eldar, I hate puny elves in every incarnation (except Goreshade, but he's undead so that's fine).

The current charge rules for WFB exemplifies this "randomness", it makes no sense.

Well, I'm away to go stare longingly at the Trygon.

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The reason i stoped warhammer is the lack of rule updates, how unbalanced they are and poorly made (suppose it happens when run by accountants rather then gamers) and stupidly high price epically here in Australia (its $62 bucks for a tactical squad that = $58.50 US converted, or $37.60 GBP). Damn sounded like a GW hate post sorry, i still do love the background and story but yeah, they really need to adjust the prices considering our dollar isn't crapola anymore.

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