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Proxy Book 2 stuff. What are you using?


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I know this has been asked in other threads. But, I'd like to collect the answers. So, what are you using to represent the new Neverborn until they come out?



-Zombie with some sculpting (photo below)


-Bald Shirtless Celts with some sculpting (photo below)

-GW Dark Eldar Male Wych


-GW Dark Eldar Female Wych


Stitched Together

-Sculpting my own (photo below)


-Plastic Warhammer goblin with some sculpting


- CMON Pinup with wings added

-moded Lilith as Nekima, she currently has the wings of a mature and a tail from Reak from everblight, in hordes




-Neran The Scary from Rackham Minis



-Zorida's Voodoo Dolls

Insideous Madness

-A bunch of random monster parts and green stuff (photo below)


-Probably sculpting (photo below)

-Wyrd Imps



-Taryn di la Rovissi (pic below)

-Valeria Alvaro (pic below)


Night Terrors

-Fell Bats from GW


-Two different succubus models from Reaper


The model that comes with Gorshade from Warmachine.

Necrotic Machine

A stitch thrall from Warmachine

Dead Rider

Cryx Calvary Model

Spirit of Lost Love

Empire Militia model from GW

Guild Autopsies

Guardsmen/Death Marshals

Edited by Shadowopal
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I know this has been asked in other threads. But, I'd like to collect the answers. So, what are you using to represent the new Neverborn until they come out?

I use whatever I got handy. Ortegas can be alps for a pickup game among friends.

At tourneys I might be a little more stricts but generally as long as both players know what it's suppose to be I don't generally sweat it.

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Thanks Dan. That's what I've been doing too. But, it get's confusing for me even.

More curious if to anyone has found good proxy models from *GASP* other companies?

I spent last night modifying some bald shirtless celts into Lelus. Not even close to done yet. They are a little small. But, at least they will be identifiable. I'm also converting us a Coppellius from a zombie. Again, a little small...but...you know. These just have to get me by until the real deals come out. So, I'll update my list above of figs as people post ideas. Cheers.

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Right now I use my Taelor and Johan for Lilitu and Lelu respectively.

For Nekima, I have this to use once I convert some wings on her. She's a little small so I will put some decent sized wings and a elevated base to give her that Ht 3 look.

That's not bad. $25 for a tempproxy though.....man...I'll have to think about that

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Okay. So, I know these are quick throw together things. But, they may help someone figure something out for their own crews. So, try to be gentle. I did all these in about 4 hours. Here's my nightmares and daydreams:

Stitched Togethers




Simply Sculpy and some paper clips and some lance tips cut in half. Oh...and a lantern.





Some Celt models I had from a swag bag at Adepticon, some greenstuff tails and horns. That's it.





A plastic zombie from a swag bag at Adepticon and a tendril feeder from a metal genestealer head I had in a bits box.

Insideous Madness


A bunch of random bits I had all glued together. I may add a greenstuff body later if I'm bored or if the real model takes too long to come out.







Sculpey and some wing bits I had in my bits box. I know they are goofy looking. But, I think they're funny.

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Have you guys considered the models from Wyrd's Twisted range yet?

I plan on using these:


Your daydreams sorta look like these:


and these for basing additions for my "Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland" Pandy crew:


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Those imps actually work pretty well as daydreams. I hadn't thought of those.

I've been trying to dig up Neran The Scary to use as a Collodi proxy. He looks fun to paint and can serve as a piece of terrain in a cornfield when the official model arrives.

Sadly he seems to go for more then I'd care to pay for a proxy....when I can find him.


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Have you guys considered the models from Wyrd's Twisted range yet?

I plan on using these:


Your daydreams sorta look like these:


and these for basing additions for my "Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland" Pandy crew:


What are you using the aparitions for?

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